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发布时间:2023-11-25 20:51:20

[填空题]The film cost a large sum of money but was not well made. It was ______ (怪不得观众满怀期待而来却大失所望而去).

更多"The film cost a large sum of money "的相关试题:

[填空题]The film cost a large sum of money but was not well made. It was ______ (怪不得观众满怀期待而来却大失所望而去).

[填空题]Mask Twain earned a large sum of money by collecting and selling cocoa.

[填空题]For several years, a large sum of money was invested in the "Asian tiger" countries unwisely.
[填空题]A large sum of money must be spent on Lyubomirsky’s research because it needs to trace a lot of people ______.
[简答题]A. Those who have large sum of money at home.
B. Those who will be away for a long time.
C. Those who will stay at the bank for a long time.
D. Those who will deposit a large sum of money for a long time.
[填空题]That was quite a large sum of money, but they were _____ for the project.
[简答题]The temptation from such a large sum of money _______(我很难抵御).

[填空题]A: Do I have to deposit a large sum of money if I want to open a checking-savings account B: ____________
[单项选择]The auto industry spends large amounts of money on marketing campaigns()young adult customers.
A. attract
B. attracted
C. to attract
D. attracts
[判断题]() Petty cash is a large amount of money kept in an office.
[单项选择]Earning so large an amount of money every month, why does he always complain that he has no money to buy his favorite books()
A. 每月都能挣大把的钱,为什么他一直在抱怨没钱买他钟爱的书呢
B. 每月得到那么大数额的钱,他为何总在诉说没钱买好书的事呢
C. 每月挣那么多钱,他怎么还老是抱怨没钱买他喜爱的书呢
D. 每月收入那么丰厚,他却总说没钱买他喜欢的书,这是为什么
The Smell of Money

For many years large supermarkets have been encouraging us to spend money by pumping the smell of freshly-baked bread into their stores. Now Dale Air, a leading firm of aroma(香气) consultants, has been approached by Barclay’s Bank to develop suitable artificial smells for their banks. Researchers have suggested that surrounding customers with the "smell of money" will encourage them to feel relaxed and optimistic and give them added confidence in the bank’s security and professionalism.
But before a smell can be manufactured and introduced into banks’ air conditioning systems, it must be identified and chemically analysed, and this has proved to be difficult. The problem is that banknotes and coins tend to pick up the smell of their surroundings. So cash that has been sitting in a cash register at a fishmonger’s (鱼贩)will smell of fish, and banknotes used to pay for meals in restaurants will tend to smell of food.A. people’s attitudes toward money are different.
B. it’s hard to identify and analyze it.
C. no technology can do it.
D. experts have no motiv


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