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发布时间:2023-10-22 21:27:55

[填空题]I first met Grace five years ago. She________ (work) at a radio studio at that time.

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[填空题]I first met Grace five years ago. She ______ (work) at a radio studio at that time.
[填空题]Joyce Swenson:
Joyce is 36 years old and has worked for a publishing company in New York city for two years. Presently, she is working as a senior editor in charge of developmental programs. An opening for a vice -presidential position has just opened. Joyce is one of four people applying for the position. The other three applicants are men who have been at the company approximately as long as she has. The requirements for the job include a master’ s degree and a minimum of ten years experience working as a manager in a publishing company. Historically, the company has hired from within the male. Joyce bas applied for promotions before but she has been passed over each time by a male candidate. When Joyce joined the company, she was single. Now she is married and has two school - aged children and one preschooler. Joyce feels she has been discriminated against because of her sex. She feels motherhood is viewed by the company as a negative factor in job promotion.
Ardith Smith
[单项选择]Within 80 years, some scientists estimate, the world must produce more than eight times the present world food supply. The productiveness of the sea raises our hopes for an adequate food supply in the future. Aided by men of science, we have set forth to find out that 70 percent of the earth remains unexplored--the ocean depths. Thus, we may better discover and utilize the sea’s natural products for the world’s hungry.
It is fish protein concentrate that is sought from the seas. By utilizing the unharvested fish in United States waters alone, enough fish protein concentrate can be obtained to provide supplemental animal protein for more than one billion people for one year at the cost of less than half a cent per day per person. The malnutrition of children is terribly tragic. But the crime lies in society’s unrestrained breeding, not in its negligence in producing fish powder. But wherever the population projects are carefully considered, the answer to the problem is something li
A. Though the situation is not urgent, we should press forward with our marine research.
B. Nations throughout the world must be provided with fish, fresh or frozen, for needed protein.
C. There are enough fish in the U. S. seas to allow for the annual protein needs of a quarter of the world’s 5 billion people.
D. The oceans are the major source of the world’s protein supply.


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