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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:49:20


Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
M: What can I do for you
W: Yes, I would like to place an order.
M: Alright, Ma’am. What items would you like to order today
W: All right. (6) I want to ruder the satin sheets on page 34.
M: And what size and color would you like
W: I need one full set of sheets in King-size and Ivory.
M: So that is product number MS3419. Size: King. Color: Ivory. Is that correct
W: Yes, I think so.
M: All right. With shipping charges, (7) your total will be 78 dollars and 95 cents. Will you be paying in cash
W: Yes.
M: All right, Ma’am. I will run that charge for you. And then I will get your address in a moment.

What does the woman want to buy()
A. A hook.
B. Ivory.
C. Sheets.
D. A Ship.

更多"Conversation 1 [听力原文] 6-7 M: Wh"的相关试题:


Conversation 1
M: What can I do for you
W: Yes, I would like to place an order.
M: Alright, Ma’am. What items would you like to order today
W: All fight. (6)I want to order the satin sheets on page 34.
M: And what size and color would you like
W: I need one full set of sheets in King-size and Ivory.
M: So that is product number MS3419. Size: King. Col- or: Ivory. Is that correct
W: Yes, I think so.
M: All right. With shipping charges, (7) your total will be 78 dollars and 95 cents. Will you be paying in cash
W: Yes.
M: All right, Ma’am. I will run that charge for you. And then I will get your address in a moment.

What does the woman want to buy()
A. A book.
B. Ivory.
C. Sheets.
D. A Ship.

Conversation 2
M: What a beautiful site! Surrounded by mountains. I saw those nice buildings over there. Are they the tombs
W: No, they are an ancient king’s palace.
M: What a magnificent hall! When was it built
W: (8) It was built at the beginning of the Ming dynasty, that is, in the early years of the fifteenth century.
M: But it’s still in excellent condition, (8) considering that it was built almost 600 years ago. Could I lake a few pictures of it
W: Of course, you are welcome to do so. (9) Now there is a big lake behind the buildings.
M: It’s nice there. Look, a lot of people are boating on the lake. All of the flowers are in full bloom. What a charming place!
W: Let’s climb up the hill. (10) We can get a fine view of the city from the hilltop.
M: Oh, the views from tile hilltop are magnificent.
W: There’s a beautiful garden over the hill.

A. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.
B. In the early years of the fifteenth century.
C. Almost 600 years ago.
D. All of the above.


Conversation 2
M: What are you going to do after your return from New York
W: I’m going to stay in the city.
M: What will you do all day
W: I’m going to work with my father at the workshop. In the evening, I’ll read books. On weekends, I’ll go to the park with my family.
M: Have you ever worked
W: No, but I can learn. What are you going to do this summer
M: I’m going to camp. I’ve gone to camp for four summers.
W: I’ve never gone to camp. What do you do there
M: We do many things. In the morning, we go swimming and boating. In the afternoon. we play volleyball of tennis. We sit around a campfire at night. We sing or tell stories.
W: That sounds wonderful.
M: It is wonderful. What’s Wales going to do this summer
W: I think he’s going to the mountains with his parents.
M: Well, so long, Alice. Have fun.A. Friends.
B. Colleagues.
C. Boss and staff.
D. Husband and wife.


Conversation 1
M: Good morning. What can I do for you.’
W: Good morning. (6) I’d like a couple of medium-sized vases with a light blue background.
M: How do you like this kind The background is pale blue with Chinese traditional paintings of flowers and birds.
W: Oh, it looks very beautiful. I like it. It is distinctively Chinese. How much is a couple
M: They are 160 yuan each, (7) and 320 yuan for a couple.
W: That’s a bit more than I wanted to pay. Can you come down a bit
M: The price is reasonable because the quality is super. It’s worth the price. We don’t ask for two prices.
W: (7) OK, two please. Here is the money.
M: Please pay at the cashier’s over there.

What does the woman want to buy()
A. Vases with a light blue background.
B. Paintings of flowers.
C. Paintings of birds.
D. Vases with a dark blue background.

Conversation 1
M: Amy, what was your first job
W: Well, when I graduated from the college in 1998, I worked first as a secretary to the General Manager. That lasted for two years. Then I was promoted the Personnel Manager.
M: What were your duties
W: I was responsible for all personnel matters.
M: Did you enjoy it
W: Well, the people were nice. I liked the people I worked with. But the job was poorly paid.
M: And how long did you stay there
W: Oh, about a year. I left because I wanted to apply for a position in the Sales Department. That’s where I work now.

What was Amy’s first job()
A. Personnel manager.
B. Engineer.
C. Secretary to General Manager.
D. Salesman.

Conversation 2
W: What’s going on here
M: You mean, what’s happening Well, constable, I’m trying to get out of the window and Freud here is helping me.
W: Why are you climbing through the window and not leaving by the front door
M: Well. you see I can’t find the key and I’m in a hurry. Come on, Freud, we’re wasting time.
W: Just a minute you two. I don’t think you’re telling me the truth. This isn’t your house, is it
M: No. it’s my brother’s. I’m staying with him for a while.
W: Is he at home
M: I’m afraid not. He’s just in jail for house-breaking at the moment

what was the man doing()
A. He’s trying to get out of the window.
B. He’s helping Freud.
C. He’s breaking into a house.
D. He’s leaving by the front door.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
M: What’s the matter with you
W: Oh, doctor. I had a fever last night.
M: Sorry to hear that. Did you take your temperature
W: No. But I knew it was a very high fever.
M: (7)But now you don’t seem to have a fever. Your temperature is normal. Are you taking any medication
W: No.
M: OK, let me listen to your heart and lungs. Please take a deep breath.
W: Anything serious
M: No. Don’t worry. (6)It’s only a cold. You’ll be OK soon.
W: Thanks a lot.

What was the patient supposed to do()
A. Take a good rest.
B. Stop worrying about her problem.
C. Take stone medicine.
D. Do more exercis


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