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发布时间:2024-07-30 03:27:34

[单项选择]Campaigns have become so expensive, and the politicians must spend so much of their time raising money, that neither the candidate nor the lobbyists have time for the old-fashioned schmoozing that was once the hallmark of the lobbying trade. It’s all very businesslike now for both sides. For the politicians, the challenge is how to raise the most money in the least amount of time. For the lobbyists, the challenge is to know which politicians to shower with money in order to get maximum results.
Moderate politics, a willingness to study issues and seek workable compromise, is no longer cost-effective. The politicians who send out fund-raising letters promising to give each issue careful study won’t raise a dime.
But if that politician targets those who are known to favor a certain issue and he lets that group know he will champion their cause no matter who opposes it, the money rolls in. The amount he can raise depends on how sharply he can draw a contrast between those who fa
A. make no distinction between enemies and friends.
B. promise to give each important issue due attention.
C. send out as many fun-raising letters as possible.
D. get the issue his patron has in mind addressed.

更多"Campaigns have become so expensive,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Campaigns have become so expensive, and the politicians must spend so much of their time raising money, that neither the candidate nor the lobbyists have time for the old-fashioned schmoozing that was once the hallmark of the lobbying trade. It’s all very businesslike now for both sides. For the politicians, the challenge is how to raise the most money in the least amount of time. For the lobbyists, the challenge is to know which politicians to shower with money in order to get maximum results.
Moderate politics, a willingness to study issues and seek workable compromise, is no longer cost-effective. The politicians who send out fund-raising letters promising to give each issue careful study won’t raise a dime.
But if that politician targets those who are known to favor a certain issue and he lets that group know he will champion their cause no matter who opposes it, the money rolls in. The amount he can raise depends on how sharply he can draw a contrast between those who fa
A. how much money they can raise for election.
B. how close they should come to politicians.
C. which politician can solve their problems.
D. which politician is worth their investment.
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[填空题]Work-sharing schemes have so far been unsatisfactory.

[填空题]Because I have so much work to do this afternoon I’m (able) ______ to go with you.

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[填空题]In the last century old people didn’t have so many problems because they had their own clubs.
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[单项选择]Terrorism has become so widespread that it is now impossible to dismiss it as the action of a few crazy people. In fact, terrorism--the use of violence by small groups of people to accomplish political alms they feel unable to bring about by peaceful, legitimate means--has sociological roots.
Terrorism most often stems from the situation of people who consider themselves a national group but who feel that no state, no legitimate and widely recognized autonomous government, represents them. Since all the inhabitable territory of the world is divided into states, which are the main organizational units through which people can exercise political power, people without a state to represent them feel completely powerless and cut off from the world order. To have independence--and even a recognized identity--as a people, those individuals feel that, too, must have a sovereign state government. Thus terrorism is frequently a tactic of people who find themselves or feel themselves to b
A. positive
B. neutral
C. contradicted
D. negative


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