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发布时间:2024-02-13 20:27:13

[单项选择]Could a simple memory workout make you smarter An intriguing new study by researchers at the University of Michigan suggests it can—a finding that adds a wrinkle to the prevailing notion that IQ is largely fixed by genes.
The study involved 62 elementary-and middle-school children from southeast Michigan who were randomly assigned to train on one of two video game-like computer tasks. One group performed a mental training exercise aimed at improving working memory, the ability to hold and retrieve information in the short term. The other group practiced general knowledge and vocabulary skills. Both groups trained for one month, five times a week for 15 minutes per session.
At the end of the intervention, many of the kids who had engaged in the working-memory task had boosted a key attribute of their intelligence—by some five points. Specifically, they improved their performance on tests of so-called fluid intelligence, the ability t9 solve new problems and reason abstractly.<
A. simple memory work makes the mind less responsive to novelties.
B. mental-training can only improve short-term memory.
C. doing mental exercise does not help intelligence to grow.
D. vocabulary exercise contributes little to general knowledge.

更多"Could a simple memory workout make "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Could a simple memory workout make you smarter An intriguing new study by researchers at the University of Michigan suggests it can—a finding that adds a wrinkle to the prevailing notion that IQ is largely fixed by genes.
The study involved 62 elementary-and middle-school children from southeast Michigan who were randomly assigned to train on one of two video game-like computer tasks. One group performed a mental training exercise aimed at improving working memory, the ability to hold and retrieve information in the short term. The other group practiced general knowledge and vocabulary skills. Both groups trained for one month, five times a week for 15 minutes per session.
At the end of the intervention, many of the kids who had engaged in the working-memory task had boosted a key attribute of their intelligence—by some five points. Specifically, they improved their performance on tests of so-called fluid intelligence, the ability t9 solve new problems and reason abstractly.<
A. the former is a capacity independent of acquired knowledge.
B. the former refers to the ability to solve abstract problems.
C. the former cannot be improved even with proper training.
D. the former serves as the genetic basis for the latter.
[简答题]With point you could make a line; with lines, planes; with planes, solids.
[单项选择]W: Could you please make up this prescription(药方) for me
A. No. You need to see a doctor first.
B. Yes. You can buy the medicine from the drugstore at the comer.
C. Well. It is prescribed clearly in that book.
D. Certainly, I’ll do it for you right away.
[填空题]She shouted loudly so that she could make herself ______ (understand).
[填空题]Even if we could make it impossible for people to commit crimes, should we Or would doing so improperly deprive people of their freedom
This may sound like a fanciful concern, but it is an increasingly real one. The new federal transportation bill, for example, authorized funding for a program that seeks to prevent the crime of drunken driving not by raising public consciousness or issuing stiffer punishments — but by making the crime practically impossible to commit. (41)______
The Dadss program is part of a trend toward what I call the "perfect prevention" of crime: depriving people of the choice to commit an offense in the first place. The federal government’s Intelligent Transportation Systems program, which is creating technology to share data among vehicles and road infrastructure like traffic lights, could make it impossible for a driver to speed or run a red light. (42)______
Such technologies force us to reconcile two important interests. On one hand is society’
[填空题]If someone asks you how you can make you always 76. ______
happy you will perhaps find rather difficult to give him 77. ______
a proper answer. Did you remember the old saying "No 78. ______
human being can really happy who is not giving or trying 79. ______
to give happiness to others" If you will always think of 80. ______
taking more from others and give them less, you won’t be 81. ______
able to have happiness in your life even you are very rich. 82. ______
Here’s an article for you. If each of you follow it, there 83. ______
will be an end of many unhappy days of yours. So you should 84. ______
learn to give up your own interests when necessarily to do so. 85. ______


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