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发布时间:2023-10-22 11:30:37

[单项选择]What’s the world’s greatest moral challenge, as judged by its capacity to inflict human tragedy It is not, I think, global warming, whose effects—if they become as grim as predicted—will occur over many years and provide societies time to adapt. A case can be made for preventing nuclear proliferation, which threatens untold deaths and a collapse of the world economy. But the most urgent present moral challenge, I submit, is the most obvious: global poverty.
The solution to being poor is getting rich. It’s economic growth. We know this. The mystery is why all societies have not adopted the obvious remedies. Just recently, the 21-member Commission on Growth and Development examined the puzzle. Since 1950, the panel found, 13 economies have grown at an average annual rate of 7 percent for at least 25 years.
The panel identified five common elements of success: Openness to global trade and, usually, an eagerness to attract foreign investment; political stability and "capable" gov
A. Global warming.
B. Global poverty.
C. Nuclear proliferation.
D. All of the above.

更多"What’s the world’s greatest moral c"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What’s the world’s greatest moral challenge, as judged by its capacity to inflict human tragedy It is not, I think, global warming, whose effects—if they become as grim as predicted—will occur over many years and provide societies time to adapt. A case can be made for preventing nuclear proliferation, which threatens untold deaths and a collapse of the world economy. But the most urgent present moral challenge, I submit, is the most obvious: global poverty.
The solution to being poor is getting rich. It’s economic growth. We know this. The mystery is why all societies have not adopted the obvious remedies. Just recently, the 21-member Commission on Growth and Development examined the puzzle. Since 1950, the panel found, 13 economies have grown at an average annual rate of 7 percent for at least 25 years.
The panel identified five common elements of success: Openness to global trade and, usually, an eagerness to attract foreign investment; political stability and "capable" gov
A. A free market with enough government intervention.
B. A willingness to subject itself to possible trade deficits.
C. A government with a democratic decision-making mechanism.
D. A capable leadership dedicated to economic growth,
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The Earth can absorb no more than 3 tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year for every person on the planet if we are to keep temperature and rainfall change within tolerable limits. Yet from ears and holiday flights to household appliances and the food on our plates, Western consumer lifestyles leave each of us responsible for over 12 tons of carbon dioxide a year—four times what the Earth can handle.
Individual action is essential if we want to avoid climate chaos. How to Live a Low-Carbon Life shows how easy it is to take responsibility, providing the first comprehensive, one-stop reference guide to calculating your CO2 emissions and reducing them to a sustainable 3 tons a year.
[单项选择]The greatest challenge in delivering food to people who need it is to
A. raise the resources and delivering food to poor people.
B. convince people to contribute more food and money.
C. help people improve their well-being over the long term.
D. devote more energy to those who are still most at risk.
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[填空题]What are the moral principles that parents in the early 19th century wanted their children to live by

[单项选择]Moral responsibility is all very well, but what about military orders Is it not the soldier’s duty to give instant obedience to orders given by his military superiors And apart from duty, will not the soldier, suffer severe punishment, even death, if he refuses to do what he is ordered to If, then, a soldier is told by his superior to burn this house or to shoot that prisoner, how can he be held criminally accountable on the ground that the burning or shooting was a violation of the laws of war
These are some of the questions that are raised by the concept commonly called "superior orders", and its use as a defense in war crimes trials. It is an issue that must be as old as the laws of war themselves, and it emerged in legal guise over three centuries ago when, after the Stuart restoration in 1660, the commander of the guards at the trial and execution of Charles I was put on trial for treason and murder. The officer defended himself on the ground "that all I did was as a soldier,
A. he is right according to moral standards
B. he should not receive any punishment
C. he should certainly be liable for his action
D. he will be convicted according to the law of war


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