发布时间:2023-10-22 15:04:01

Text 3

Disagreements among economists are legendary, but not on the issue of free trade. A recent survey of prominent economists both conservative and liberal concluded that an economist who argues for restricting international trade is almost as common today as a physician who favors leeching.
Why the consensus International free trade, economists agree, makes possible higher standards of living all over the globe.
The case for free trade rests largely on this principle: as long as trade is voluntary, both partners benefit, otherwise they wouldn’t trade. The buyer of a shirt, for example, values the shirt more than the money spent, while the seller values the money more. Both are better off because of the sale. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the shirt salesman is from the United States or Hong Kong(or anywhere else).
The vast majority of American manufactures face international competition. This competition forces com
A. International free trade may improve the standard of living all over the world.
B. Economists are all in favor of the free trade policy.
C. International free trade may create international competition.
D. Protectionism has been abolished due to encouraging monopoly, lower quality and higher prices.

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Text 3

Disagreements among economists are legendary, but not on the issue of free trade. A recent survey of prominent economists both conservative and liberal concluded that an economist who argues for restricting international trade is almost as common today as a physician who favors leeching.
Why the consensus International free trade, economists agree, makes possible higher standards of living all over the globe.
The case for free trade rests largely on this principle: as long as trade is voluntary, both partners benefit, otherwise they wouldn’t trade. The buyer of a shirt, for example, values the shirt more than the money spent, while the seller values the money more. Both are better off because of the sale. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the shirt salesman is from the United States or Hong Kong(or anywhere else).
The vast majority of American manufactures face international competition. This competition forces com
A. agree on the restriction of internal trade
B. disagree whether to restrict free trade or not
C. hold different arguments because of their different interests
D. agree on free trade
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

American economists once spoofed university education as the only industry in which those who consume its product do not purchase it; those who produce it do not sell it, and those who finance it do not control it. That apt description, made in the 1970s, has been undermined since then by the emergence of the first for-profit universities in the United States. Controlled by entrepreneurs, these schools which number about 700 and counting sell a practical education to career-minded students and make a good buck doing it. They are now expanding abroad, creating the first multinational corporations in a sector long suspicious of balance sheets.
The companies are lured by a booming market in which capitalist competition is still scarce. The number of university students is expected to double in the next 25
A. Americans are arguing about the for-profit universities.
B. Americans used to pay little for university education.
C. Americans are in favor of the expansion of the universities.
D. Americans call for the supervision of the for-profit universities.
[单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}
Economists believe that investors are rational, and that stock prices are therefore unpredictable. It sounds peculiar, but the logic is ironclad.
Rational investors would take into account everything they know when buying or selling stock — all the information available about where profits, interest rates, technology and so on are going. So stock prices would reflect all available knowledge, and would change only when new information came in. And new information is, by definition, unpredictable, which means that changes in stock prices would be unpredictable, too. But investors, being human, are driven by fear, greed and the madness of crowds.
In principle this should create patterns in stock prices, and in principle you can use those patterns to outperform the market. But while it may be very hard to tell, whether the
A. the U. S. economy soared
B. the U. S. stock price fell sharply
C. people were disappointed about U. S. economy
D. people were not sure about what stocks were really worth
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

American economists once spoofed university education as the only industry in which those who consume its product do not purchase it; those who produce it do not sell it, and those who finance it do not control it. That apt description, made in the 1970s, has been undermined since then by the emergence of the first for-profit universities in the United States. Controlled by entrepreneurs, these schools which number about 700 and counting sell a practical education to career-minded students and make a good buck doing it. They are now expanding abroad, creating the first multinational corporations in a sector long suspicious of balance sheets.
The companies are lured by a booming market in which capitalist competition is still scarce. The num her of university students is expected to double in the next 25 years to 170 million worldwide. Demand greatly exceeds supply, because the 1990s saw massive global investm
A. something that people worry about.
B. something that people know about.
C. something that people are aware of.
D. something that people are afraid of.
Text 2

Among the many ways in which people communicate through speech, public speaking—also called oratory—has probably received more study and attracted more attention than any other. Politicians campaigning for public office, salespeople presenting products, and preachers delivering sermons all depend upon this form of public communication. Even people who do not make speaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make public speeches: students at graduation or at pep rallies, for instance, or members of churches, synagogues, clubs, or other organizations. Nearly everyone speaks in public at some time or other, and those who perform the task well often become leaders.
Public speaking is not informal conversation between two people—nor is it free discussion in a small group or seminar. Speaking becomes public speaking when a person addresses a group of more than one, without interruption, an
A. often deliver speeches to the audience extemporaneously
B. are usually not able to make preparations in advance
C. are not able to deliver a speech without preparation
D. usually prepare their message ahead of schedule

Text 4

Among the most enduring of all horrors is the prospect of a slow, painful death. Those who witness the protracted terminal illness of a friend or relative often view the eventual death more as a relief than a tragedy.
But to make life or death decisions on behalf of a dying person unable to communicate his or her wishes is to enter a moral and legal minefield. Could a doctor be sued for withholding treatment and allowing someone to die — or for not allowing him or her to die Could it ever be lawful to withhold food and water
Legal moves are afoot which may settle these questions. Recently, a group on voluntary euthanasia proposed legislation to make documents known as "Advance Directives" ,or Living Wills, legally binding.
An Advance Directive sets out the kind of medical treatment a person wishes to receive, or not receive, should he or she ever be in a condition that prevents them expressing those wishes. Su
A. It should be made legally binding in Britain
B. It’s morally questionable.
C. It is the same as mercy killing, and therefore should not be encouraged.
D. It runs counter to traditional English law.


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