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发布时间:2023-10-22 03:36:22

[填空题]Issues in dialect usually stem from the debate over what people view as
Standard American English and what they do not view as Standard American
English. Although people come from different backgrounds and have had 41. ______
different experiences, which becomes a particular problem for communication. 42. ______
Issues arise that confronts people every day in all jobs and in most dealings 43. ______
with other people.
According to Walt Wolfram and Donna Christian’s Dialects and Education,
the term dialect it has several "popular" meanings that stem from the 44. ______
technical definition of dialect. Often people infer to dialect when talking 45. ______
about the way people from certain regions or certainly social groups speak. 46. ______
While this is part of it, it is the entire definition. Other times people 47. ______
refer to people who are speaking different

更多"Issues in dialect usually stem from"的相关试题:

[填空题]Issues in dialect usually stem from the debate over what people view as
Standard American English and what they do not view as Standard American
English. Although people come from different backgrounds and have had 41. ______
different experiences, which becomes a particular problem for communication. 42. ______
Issues arise that confronts people every day in all jobs and in most dealings 43. ______
with other people.
According to Walt Wolfram and Donna Christian’s Dialects and Education,
the term dialect it has several "popular" meanings that stem from the 44. ______
technical definition of dialect. Often people infer to dialect when talking 45. ______
about the way people from certain regions or certainly social groups speak. 46. ______
While this is part of it, it is the entire definition. Other times people 47. ______
refer to people who are speaking different
[简答题]对死亡的恐惧源于对生命的恐惧,活得充实的人随时准备死亡。(stem from)
[填空题]Yadin extend an ______to young people from all over the world to join him in digging at Masada.

For the first time, stem cells purified from fat have been used to heal an injury in a living animal. Michael Longaker of Stanford University in California and his team showed in mouse experiments that so-called adipose derived adult stromal (ADAS) cells purified from a rodent’s belly fat could be coaxed to heal a skull fracture too large to mend by itself.
The power of ADAS cells to transform into bone, cartilage and even neurons has been studied for years in test tubes. But Jeffrey Gimble, who studies human ADAS cells at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge says Longaker’s report is an important step forward. "Actually repairing a defect in an animal model had never been done. This is an excellent study." If the same technique works in humans, these cells could be coaxed to mend broken bones and correct other defects in tens of thousands of surgical procedures each year in which bone grafts and prosthetics are now necessary.
A. his work made an unprecedented achievement in the field
B. he proved that ADAS cells contributed a lot to cell therapy
C. his work paved way for ADAS cell application in clinical trials
D. he cured an animal defect that had never been repaired before

[简答题]{{B}} · A trainee from one of your company’s overseas subsidiaries is coming to work as your assistant for six months. Your boss has asked you to brief her on your company before she arrives. · Write a letter to the trainee, describing the organization of your company, the people she needs to know and the kind of work she will be doing. Include any further useful information which you think the trainee should know about your company. · Write 200—250 words on your Answer Sheet.{{/B}}
[单项选择]In the angry debate over how much of IQ comes from the genes that children inherit from parents and how much comes from experiences, one little fact gets overlooked: no one has identified any genes (other than those that cause retardation) that affect intelligence. So researchers led by Robert Plomin of London’s Institute of Psychiatry decided to look for some:
Plomin’s colleagues drew blood from two groups of 51 children each. They are all White living in six counties around Cleveland. In one group, the average IQ is 136. In the other group, the average IQ is 103. Isolating the blood cells, the researchers then examined each child’s chromosome 6 (One of the 23 human chromosomes). Of the 37 land marks on chromosome 6that the researchers looked for, one jumped out: a form of gene called IGF2R occurred in twice as many children in high IQ group as in the average grouw-32 percent versus 16 percent. The study concludes that it is this form of the IGF2R gene, called allele 5, that cont
A. skeptically
B. willingly
C. publicly
D. undoubtedly


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