Problems in doing international trade
When companies do business overseas, they come in contact with people from different cultures. These individuals often speak a different language and have their own particular custom and manners. These differences can create problems. For example, in France, business meetings begin promptly at the designated time and everyone is expected to be there. Foreign business people who are tardy are often left outside to be kept waiting as a means of letting them know the importance of promptness. Unless one is aware of such expected behaviors he may end up insulting the people with whom he hopes to establish trade relations.
A second traditional problem is that of monetary conversions. For example, if a transaction is conducted with Russia, payment may be made in rubles. Of course, this currency is of little value to the American firm. It is, therefore, necessary to convert the foreign currency to Ameri
A. They are often left outdoors waiting.
B. They are often insulted.
C. They often suffer from coldness.