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发布时间:2024-07-28 18:30:30

[单项选择]{{B}}Set 4{{/B}}
{{B}}The Cutting Edge{{/B}}
Economists and governments agree these days on the crucial importance of foreign direct invest-ment (FDI). They see it both as the global market’s "seal of approval" on a country’s policies and prospects, and as a force, especially in developing countries, for far- reaching economic change. This consensus is surprising when you remember that FDI remains politically sensitive in many poor, and some not-so-poor, countries. But the benefits are so great that reservations on this account have been put aside. The point about FDI is that it is far more than mere "capital": it is a uniquely potent bundle of capital, contacts, and managerial and technological knowledge. It is the cutting edge of globalization.
The outlook for FDI- in total, and countr
A. Because it generates tax revenue for host governments.
B. Because it signifies an approval on a country’s policies and prospects.
C. Because it is a politically stabilizing force.
D. Because it transforms the management practice of the host countries.

更多"{{B}}Set 4{{/B}}"的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{B}}Set 2{{/B}}
{{B}} Gadgets with a Sporting Chance{{/B}}
Consumer electronics: New sports equipment, from tennis rackets to running shoes, uses processing power to enhance performance. Is that fair Why should aspiring athletes stand on the sidelines when a spot of electronic assistance can put them in the middle of the game That is the question many sports-equipment makers are asking as they sense an opportunity to boost their sales with high-tech products. You could call it the revenge of the nerds: a new wave of microchip-equipped sporting goods promises to enhance the performance of novices and non-sporting types alike--and could even make difficult sports easier.
Take cross-country skiing. Victor Petrenko, an engineer at Dartmouth College’s Ice Research Lab in
A. have good investment to their business.
B. bring new zip to their business.
C. have good future to their business.
D. bring new profit to their business.
[单项选择]{{B}}Set 3{{/B}}
{{B}} The Evolution of the Photofit{{/B}}
Security technology: A new type of computerised photofit system takes a novel evolutionary approach to generating images of suspects. If you have ever tried to describe someone’s face in detail, you will understand why the "photofit" composite images used by the police look so dodgy. In recent years, computerised "E-Fit" systems have helped improve the accuracy of these images by allowing witnesses to choose from a wider range of facial features. But researchers at the University of Stirling in Scotland found that, despite these improvements, people still have a hard time constructing recognisable faces--especially if there is a delay of more
The problem is that people tend to recoguise faces as whole entities, ra
A. The user doesn’t have to steer the selection process.
B. It’s a powerful way to search a large number of possibilities for a particular solution.
C. It is quick and accurate in generating a good likeness for the original face.
D. An image can be generated even if the witness can only provide a sketchy verbal description.
[单项选择]{{B}}Set 4{{/B}}
{{B}} Importance of Vitamins{{/B}}
Vitamins, which come in many different types all of which are quite diverse in chemical configuration and function, can be any of several organic substances that are separated into water-soluble and fat-soluble groups. Originally defined as organic compounds obtainable in a normal diet and capable of maintaining life and promoting growth, vitamins are differrent from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in function, as well as in the quantities in which organisms require them. So critical are vitamins to a body’s essential strength and health that if they are absent from the diet or not properly absorbed by an organism, a specific deficiency disease may develop.
The term vitamin originated from "vitamine," a word fir
A. Consistent intake of vitamin A is not recommended because it may accumulate in the liver.
B. It is not suitable for everyone because it may result in side effects such as nausea, loss of sight, dry skin etc. for some people.
C. It must be taken 150 milligrams or less at a time.
D. It must be taken with care because excessive or insufficient intake may result in illness.
[单项选择]{{B}}Set 5{{/B}}
{{B}} President Hoover’s Politics During the Great Depression{{/B}}
At first everything seemed fine and dandy. America was enjoying one of the biggest economic surges in the nation’s history. However, even though America benefited from the economic boom of the so called "Roaring Twenties", the imbalance between the rich and the poor combined with the production of more and more goods and rising personal debt caused one of the biggest recessions in history. On Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed, triggering the Great Depression, which was the worst economic collapse in the history of the modem, industrial world. It spread from the United States and rippled out to the rest of the world, with banks failing and businesses going bust for over
A. compare the number of jobless people prior to and during the Great Depression.
B. provide an example of the results of Hoover’s unsuccessful policies.
C. illustrate how thing went from bad to worse during the Great Depression.
D. note the outcome of the downward spiral caused by combinations of reasons.


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