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发布时间:2023-10-23 00:50:49

[单项选择]It is extremely vital for everyone in our country to have a general understanding of the deficit, debt, and entitlement problems in the United States. Whether you are a member of Generation X, the Baby Boomers, the Silent Generation, or the Millennium Generation, the economical problems facing this country are going to play a role in your life. The kited of role it is going to play depends on which generation you belong to. Attention Generation X -- We are getting screwed! The generations preceding us, your parents, are about to pass down to us the biggest debt in the history of America. This means we may be the first generation to experience a poorer living standard than our parents. This means we are taking on a serious burden that we bad nothing to do with. This means, as a serving generation, we need to learn about our economical problems and demand action.When the author talks about generations in the first paragraph, he seems to______.
A. be speaking very highly of his own Generation
B. be sympathetic with his own generation
C. criticise his own generation for its shortcomings
D. believe bis previous generations share one thing

更多"It is extremely vital for everyone "的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is extremely vital for everyone in our country to have a general understanding of the deficit, debt, and entitlement problems in the United States. Whether you are a member of Generation X, the Baby Boomers, the Silent Generation, or the Millennium Generation, the economical problems facing this country are going to play a role in your life. The kited of role it is going to play depends on which generation you belong to. Attention Generation X -- We are getting screwed! The generations preceding us, your parents, are about to pass down to us the biggest debt in the history of America. This means we may be the first generation to experience a poorer living standard than our parents. This means we are taking on a serious burden that we bad nothing to do with. This means, as a serving generation, we need to learn about our economical problems and demand action.The author is talking about______.
A. intergenerational justice
B. unfair rectification
C. individual prospects
D. economic problems

What’s the vital raw material in our economy
[简答题]What does our country state about Military Service
[多项选择]Throughout our country, more and more private schools are set up. Some people doubt about the effectiveness of these private schools. They say adequate money doesn’t necessarily guarantee better education.
Write an article to clarify your own points of view towards this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to support your argument.
You should write no less than 250 words. Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2.

[多项选择]Writing 2
Directions: Throughout our country, more and more private schools are set up. Some people doubt about the effectiveness of these private schools. They say adequate money doesn’t necessarily guarantee better education.
Write an article to clarify your own points of view towards this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to support your argument. You should write no less than 250 words.
[单项选择]In our daily life, everyone fails every now and then. It is how you react that makes a().
A. development
B. difference
C. progress
D. point
[填空题]The housing reform in our country is designed to 改善人民的生活条件
[单项选择]Last year our country hosted the Olympic Games. It is held (41) .Many players (42) , all over the world take part in it. The old Olympic Games began around the year 776BC in Greece and the modern games came from the (43) ones.
The Olympic Games stopped for a long time. But people didn’t (44) them. The first Olympic Games in modern times happened in 1896. They were held in Greece—the games were born in this (45) . In the 1896 games, there were 311 players from just thirteen countries. After that, (46) countries took part in the games.
One of the great competitions (47) not for a medal. It’s the competition among countries to hold the game. To hold the Olympic Games is a great prize (48) a country. Last year, Beijing (49) the 29th Summer Olympic Games. We all felt (50) our great country.
[A] country [B] city [C] town


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