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发布时间:2024-01-04 19:41:46

[填空题]While (walk) ______ along the street early in the morning, he saw her.

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[填空题]While (walk) ______ along the street early in the morning, he saw her.
[填空题]While(walk) __________ along the street early in the morning, he saw her.

[单项选择]One time while on his walk George met Mr. Cattanzara coming home very late from work. He wondered if he was drunk but then could tell he wasn’t. Mr. Cattanzara, a stocky, bald-headed man who worked in a change booth on an IRT station, lived on the next block after George’s, above a shoe repair store. Nights, during the hot weather, he sat on his stoop in an undershirt, reading the New York Times in the fight of the shoemaker’s window. He read it from the first page to the last, then went up to sleep. And all the time he was reading the paper, his wife, a fat woman with a white face, leaned out of the window, gazing into the street, her thick white arms folded under her loose breast, on the window ledge.
Once in a while Mr. Cattanzara came home drunk, but it was a quiet drunk. He never made any trouble, only walked stiffly up the street and slowly climbed the stairs into the hall. Though drunk he looked the same as always, except for his tight walk, the quietness, and that his eyes
A. showed a wide interest.
B. was fond of drinking.
C. often worked overtime.
D. liked to gossip after work.
[填空题]______ (walk) along Fifth Avenue for a while, they decided to have dinner at Rockfeller Centre.
[单项选择]It takes a while, as you walk around the streets of Nantes, a city of haft a million people on the banks of the Loire River, to realize just what it is that is odd. Then you get it: there are empty parking slots, which is highly unusual in big French towns.
Two decades of effort to make life more livable by dissuading people from driving into town Nas made Nantes a beacon for other European cities seeking to shake dependence on the automobile.
The effects were clear recently during Mobility Week, a campaign sponsored by the European Union that prompted more than 1,000 towns across the Continent to test ways of making their streets, if not car free, at least manageable. "That is an awfully difficult problem," acknowledges Joel Crawford, an author and leader of the "car free" movement picking up adherents all over Europe. "You can’t take cars out of cities until there is some sort of alternative in place. But there are a lot of forces pointing in the direction of a major reduct
A. Nantes is with the best traffic condition in France.
B. Nantes used to be crowded with cars.
C. The government of Nantes is the first to dissuade people from driving into town.
D. The government of Nantes succeeds in raising people’s living standar
[单项选择]While driving along the treacherous worn path, ______.

Paper or Plastic
Take a walk along the Chesapeake Bay, and you are likely to see plastic bags floating in the water. They have made their (51) into local waterways and, from there, into the bay, where they can (52) wildlife. Piles of them show up in landfills (垃圾填埋地) and on city streets. Plastic bags also take an environmental toll (代价) in the (53) of millions of barrels of oil expended every year to produce them.
Enter Annapolis and you will, see plastic bags (54) free in department stores and supermarkets. Alderman (市议员) Sam Shropshire has introduced a well-meaning (55) to ban retailers from distributing plastic shopping bags in Maryland’s capital. instead, retailers would be required to (56) bags made of recycled paper and to sell reusable bags. The city of Baltimore is (57) a similar measure. Opponents of the (58) , however, argue that paper bags are harmful, too: They cost more to make, they
A. impressive
B. effective.
C. formal
D. typical


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