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发布时间:2023-10-23 04:19:44

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

(1) In trying to understand and control youth gangs, investigators and scholars have assembled what amounts to anthropological studies of gang characteristics. Police files record everything from the face that the Crips in Los Angeles wear blue while rival Bloods wear red to intricate details of the Satanic rituals and grave desecrations committed by white gangs known as "atones" or "heavy metalers." These and other rituals make it clear that youth gangs ate fat more than mere social clubs or business organizations--they are highly developed {{B}}subcultures.{{/B}}
(2) The key determinant of gang’s culture is the neighborhood, known bu blacks and Hispanic gangs members as "the’ hood." Hispanic gangs, especially, identify strong with their "barrios," swatches of land often sandwiched between freeways an
A. they follow unwritten codes of behavior
B. their clothing symbolizes their values
C. they separate themselves from mainstream society
D. they adhere to Satanic laws

更多"{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} (1) I"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

(1) In trying to understand and control youth gangs, investigators and scholars have assembled what amounts to anthropological studies of gang characteristics. Police files record everything from the face that the Crips in Los Angeles wear blue while rival Bloods wear red to intricate details of the Satanic rituals and grave desecrations committed by white gangs known as "atones" or "heavy metalers." These and other rituals make it clear that youth gangs ate fat more than mere social clubs or business organizations--they are highly developed {{B}}subcultures.{{/B}}
(2) The key determinant of gang’s culture is the neighborhood, known bu blacks and Hispanic gangs members as "the’ hood." Hispanic gangs, especially, identify strong with their "barrios," swatches of land often sandwiched between freeways an
A. distinctive clothing or uniform
B. customs and ways of behaving
C. relationships with other gangs
D. control of a particular neighborhood
[简答题]Text B Fernbeziehung Karin und Peter lieben (61) und m chten ihre Zukunft gemeinsam verbringen. W re da nur nicht die Entfernung: 350 Kilometer trennen die beiden. (62) arbeitet in Bonn und er schreibt seine Magisterarbeit in Stuttgart. Kennengelernt (63) sie sich bei einem Auslandsaufenthalt in Japan. (64) vier Jahren führen sie eine Fernbeziehung. Das ist typisch (65) eine Generation gut ausgebildeter junger Menschen. (66) viel Zeit in seine Ausbildung investiert hat, sucht sich den Job und den (67) nicht nach der Stadt aus. Viele verlieben sich w hrend ihres Auslandssemesters (68) beim Praktikum in einer fremden Stadt. Wem dann Karriere und Beziehung wichtig sind, (69) bleibt oft nichts anderes übrig, als über Jahre zu pendeln. Sch tzungen zufolge führt (70) siebte Paar in Deutschland eine Fernbeziehung.
[判断题]Text A Leben und TunEr empfindet Leipzig als Provinz“ und kann sich über das aktuelle Geschehen schlecht informieren.
[判断题]Text A Leben und TunDurch seine Fotos werden Menschen wieder zusammengebracht und h ren sich einander zu. Damit ist er zufrieden.
[判断题]Text A Leben und TunEr will jetzt mit der Kamera nur die Unzufriedenheit der Menschen zeigen.
[判断题]Text A Leben und TunDer Sprecher war früher Lehrer, ist jetzt Fotograf.
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}
Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture from food helps to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do this is to expose the food to sun and wind. In this way the North American Indians produce pemmican (dried meat ground into powder and made into cakes), the Scandinavians make stockfish and the Arabs dried dates and "apricot leather".
All foods including water — cabbage and other leaf vegetables contains as much as 93% water, potatoes and other root vegetables 80%, lean meat 75% and fish, anything from 80% to 60%, depending on how fatty it is. If this water is removed, the activity of the bacteria which cause food to go bad is checked.
Fruit is sun-dried in Asia Minor, Greece, Spain and other Mediterranean countries, and also in California, South Africa and Australia. The methods used vary, but in general,
A. are quick to prepare
B. taste better
C. can be preserved by boiling in water
D. look fresh and appetizing when cooked


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