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发布时间:2024-09-13 18:39:57


Laura was married for 6 months. Her husband was using drugs. She didn’t want her son or her unborn baby to live that way, but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave. She left him a note instead. After reading the note, Laura’s husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son.
Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job. She was ashamed to ask for help from the police, courts or women’s shelters. Sometimes her husband was very nice to her. She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father. Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem.
But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family. Finally, she told her husband she loved him, but they should live apart for a while. He beat her again. The priest came over to talk to her. He asked the husband to go out for a while. Laura packed up her things and left home with her son. The next day she lost the baby. Her husband wen
A. Laura has two children.
B. Laura never got any job.
C. Laura’s husband got punished.
D. Laura got little help from the society.

更多"Laura was married for 6 months. Her"的相关试题:


Laura was married for 6 months. Her husband was using drugs. She didn’t want her son or her unborn baby to live that way, but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave. She left him a note instead. After reading the note, Laura’s husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son.
Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job. She was ashamed to ask for help from the police, courts or women’s shelters. Sometimes her husband was very nice to her. She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father. Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem.
But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family. Finally, she told her husband she loved him, but they should live apart for a while. He beat her again. The priest came over to talk to her. He asked the husband to go out for a while. Laura packed up her things and left home with her son. The next day she lost the baby. Her husband wen
A. Do not beat the kid any more
B. Learn to take care of the family
C. Leave me and my children
D. Be a good father

[单项选择]A. Because her husband criticized her opinions. B. Because her husband is wrong so much of the time.
C. Because she doesn’t believe the weather forecast.
D. Because she left her umbrella in the office.
John and Laura were husband and wife. Laura had beautiful long, brown hair, shining like silk. Every morning she combed her hair many times. John had a golden pocket watch left by his father. He loved it very much.
Christmas was coming. They both wanted to give a present to each other. John went to the shop and found a nice comb. He thought Laura’s hair would look prettier with the comb on it. But the comb was so expensive that he couldn’t afford (买得起) it. He thought and thought. At last, he sold his pocket watch and bought the comb. When he got home, he was surprised to see Laura’s short hair. Laura opened her hands. There was a golden watch chain(金表链) in her hands. "Merry Christmas!" said Laura. John said "Merry Christmas!" too and passed his wife a little box with tears in his eyes.
Laura’s hair was ______.
[单项选择]John and Laura were husband and wife. Laura had beautiful long, brown hair, shining like silk. Every morning she combed her hair many times. John had a golden pocket watch left by his father. He loved it very much.
Christmas was coming. They both wanted to give a present to each other. John went to the shop and found a nice comb. He thought Laura’s hair would look prettier with the comb on it. But the comb was so expensive that he couldn’t afford (买得起) it. He thought and thought. At last, he sold his pocket watch and bought the comb. When he got home, he was surprised to see Laura’s short hair. Laura opened her hands. There was a golden watch chain(金表链) in her hands. "Merry Christmas!" said Laura. John said "Merry Christmas!" too and passed his wife a little box with tears in his eyes.

Laura’s hair was ______.
A. long and brown
B. short
C. silk
[填空题]She got married although her parents had not given her their _____.
[单项选择]Why is Laura at her dad’s shop
A. She’s waiting for her father.
B. She’s having her bicycle repaired.
C. She wanted to surprise John.
D. She works there.
[填空题]What date did her son get married Her son got married__________.


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