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发布时间:2024-01-23 23:26:06

[单项选择]Like personal computers, most workstations are (72) computers
A. single-user
B. single user
C. multi-user
D. multi user

更多"Like personal computers, most works"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What fruit does the man like most
A. He likes banana most.
B. He likes apples most.
C. He likes oranges most.
[单项选择]Which subject does the woman like most
A. Science.
B. Maths.
C. History.
D. Computer programming.
[填空题]Kathy was a university student. Like most students she had very little money, but she wanted to buy a car. "If I can buy one really cheap that works," she thought, "I will save money on bus{{U}} (36) {{/U}}. Then I’ll have mom to spend on{{U}} (37) {{/U}}." She spent a day looking at cars in the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}car stores. Most of them were much too expensive for her to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}, but at last she found one for $250. The car was rather used and the paint was badly{{U}} (40) {{/U}}, but it worked. "It’s got a good engine," the salesman said, "and the gear box is O.K. Forget everything else." Kathy bought the car and drove it out of the car yard. Everything was wrong with it except for the engine and gear box, which worked very well. "As long as they work," Kathy thought, "nothing else{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. The salesman was right." {{U}} (42) {{/U}}, a few days later, while she was driving to her university, a police car drove up
Which of the following does the man like most
[单项选择]Which kind of dessert does the woman like most
A. Watermelon.
B. Pudding.
C. Ice-cream.
D. All of the above.
[填空题]Perhaps like most Americans you have some extra pounds to (47) . You may even have tried a fad diet or two, but found yourself right back where you started. The key to weight loss is regular (48) activity. And surprisingly, you don’t have to give up eating or make the gym your second home to see long-term, (49) effects.
Your body needs a certain amount of energy to maintain basic (50) such as breathing, blood circulation and digestion. The energy required to keep your organs functioning is referred to as the resting or basal metabolic rate.
Any time you are active, (51) energy is required. It is obtained from glycogen and fat stored in the blood, liver, and muscles. The key to losing weight is to draw on the fat rather than on the carbohydrate reserves.
Which of the two energy sources you use depends on the intensity and (52) of your activity. The higher the intensity, the more your body will pull from the stor


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