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发布时间:2023-11-15 19:38:23


The following table shows some results of a survey in which 800 Japanese school pupils were asked to give their impressions of their classroom teachers. The pupils’ impressions were found to differ de pending on whether the teacher was new (with less than three years’ experience), middle-standing (ten to twenty years), or a veteran (twenty to thirty years). The numbers in the table show the percentage of the pupils who answered "very, satisfied" or "extremely satisfied" for each question item.


Question Items

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The following table shows some results of a survey in which 800 Japanese school pupils were asked to give their impressions of their classroom teachers. The pupils’ impressions were found to differ de pending on whether the teacher was new (with less than three years’ experience), middle-standing (ten to twenty years), or a veteran (twenty to thirty years). The numbers in the table show the percentage of the pupils who answered "very, satisfied" or "extremely satisfied" for each question item.

Question Items
[简答题]类别 Pie Chart 题目 The table shows the information about where coffee produced, consumed and the profits go. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 题目翻译 该饼图提供了咖啡产地,消耗及利润分配的占有率的信息。 选取主要的特征对信息进行概括,在相关的地方进行比较。 要素回忆 静态饼图,一个有三个饼,分别显示咖啡不同情况的百分比结构。 第一个饼显示了咖啡各产地产量的百分比信息,其中南非的比例最大,也就是产量最高(46%);然后是亚洲和美洲,产量差不多,都在16%-19%之间;最少为大洋洲(1%)。 第二个饼显示了咖啡的消耗量百分比信息,消耗量最大的为欧洲(42%),其次为“others”(29%),USA为22%,而Japan只有7%。 第三个饼显示了咖啡的利润分配百分比信息,其中“shipper, roader”的比例最大,占了55%,利润最少的是“producer和exporter”,各占10%。 写作指导 1)三个饼图之间并无直接关联,可各个分别描写; 2)各个饼图内百分比要进行占有率大小比较,尤其强调较大比例项; 3)结尾段需将三个饼图的重点信息进行组合。 重点表达式 proportion, percentage, the majority, the -est / most(最高级) …, (closely) followed by… What came next be… …be close behind lie last 题目评价 难度一般 推荐练习 剑桥真题7, test4 剑桥真题8, test2 近期考试趋势 近三个月考题各图形轮流出现,但一直未出现正式的流程图或者地图,根据以往的经验分析,接下来几次需注意表格,流程图及地图在五、六月有较大几率出现。
[简答题]图表种类 表格 图表instruction The table shows the numbers of kilometers travelled by five kinds of transport in a European country in 1995 and 2005 and a prediction in 2015. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. 图表要素回忆 和剑六test 2小作文类似,大家可参考。
[简答题]图表种类 表格图 图表instruction The table shows the number of temporary migrant workers in four countries (New Zealand, Australia, UK and the USA) and the number of these workers per 1,000 people in these countries in 2006. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
[填空题]The table shows that the ______ number of trips each person in Beijing takes by public transport is 107.

Dear Sir,
The enclosed resume shows some of the reasons why I believe I am qualified to assume (承担) the position of assistant product manager, listed in the July issue of Chinese Marketing magazine. Would you please consider me an applicant for that position
Being a Chinese, I am eager to get a job in my homeland. As my resume shows, I received my B. A. in Marketing from Marquette University last month. For the past four years, I have worked for the Wisconsin Metals Company in Milwaukee, part-time while school was in session and full-time in summers. During these four years, I have performed various duties in the marketing department, including consumer research work for the product managers. In addition, my minor at Marquette was in chemistry, and I received A or B+ grades in all my chemistry.
Look forward to your early reply.
Sincerely yours,

·Look at the list below. It shows some manufacturers.
·For questions 6-10, decide which section (A-H) of the divisions each person on the opposite page should consult.
·For each question, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
·Do not use any letter more than once.
A Orleans Homebuilders
B Total Entertainment Restaurant
C Medical Action Industries
D Forgo Electronics
E Quality System
F Hibbert Sporting Goods
G Maxwell Shoe
H Stock Consultants
The hospital needs to buy some disposal surgical products.


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