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发布时间:2024-07-05 19:06:30

[单项选择] In 1637 the French phosphor-mathematician Rene Descartes predicted that it would never be possible to make a machine that thinks as humans do. In 1950, the British mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing declared that one day there would be a machine that could duplicate human intelligence in every way and prove it by passing a specialized test. In this test, a computer and a human hidden from view would be asked random identical questions. If the computer were successful, the questioner would be unable to distinguish the machine from the person by the answers. Inspired by Turing’’s theory, the first conference on Al convened at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire in 1956. Soon afterwards an Al laboratory was started at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, two of the nation’’s leading AI proponents. McCarthy also invented the AI computer language, Lisp; but by the early 1990s AI itself had not been achieved. How- ever, logic programs ca
A. It started the research on Al.
B. It established the expert system.
C. It taught technicians how to use complicated programs.
D. It invented the AI computer language.

更多"In 1637 the French phosphor-mathema"的相关试题:

[单项选择] In 1637 the French phosphor-mathematician Rene Descartes predicted that it would never be possible to make a machine that thinks as humans do. In 1950, the British mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing declared that one day there would be a machine that could duplicate human intelligence in every way and prove it by passing a specialized test. In this test, a computer and a human hidden from view would be asked random identical questions. If the computer were successful, the questioner would be unable to distinguish the machine from the person by the answers. Inspired by Turing’’s theory, the first conference on Al convened at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire in 1956. Soon afterwards an Al laboratory was started at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, two of the nation’’s leading AI proponents. McCarthy also invented the AI computer language, Lisp; but by the early 1990s AI itself had not been achieved. How- ever, logic programs ca
A. the computer gives better answers
B. the questioner fails to give identical questions
C. the questioner can’’t tell between the answers of a person and a computer
D. the questioner can’’t find the person hidden by the computer
[单项选择] In 1637 the French philosopher-mathematician Rene Descartes predicted that it would never be possible to make a machine that thinks as humans do. In 1950, the British mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing declared that one day there would be a machine that could duplicate human intelligence in every way and prove it by passing a specialized test. In this test, a computer and a human hidden from view would be asked random identical questions. If the computer were successful, the questioner would be unable to distinguish the machine from the person by the answers. Inspired by Turing’’s theory, the first conference on AI convened at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire in 1956. Soon afterwards an Al laboratory was started at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, two of the nation’’s leading AI proponents. McCarthy also invented the Al computer language, Lisp; but by the early 1990s AI itself had not been achieved. However, logic programs c
A. the questioner can’’t tell between the answers of a person and a computer
B. the questioner fails to give identical questions
C. the computer gives better answers
D. the questioner can’’t find the person hidden by the computer
[简答题] French class
[单项选择]French 200: Intermediate French Conversation
Instructor: Pierre Rodin
French 200 is a course tailored to students who already understand the basics of the French language and would like to improve their conversational skills. This course can help you build on your language skills by increasing your vocabulary, refining your pronunciation and word choice, and boosting your confidence in using French. You should also develop the ability to recognize various accents and dialects used by different French speakers.
Students .are required to have completed basic French training at any recognized language school or similar institution.
Registration should be made by fax or email by August 15th at the latest. We do not accept telephone registrations.
Pierre Rodin, associate professor of French at East Lombo University, is an expert on language acquisition, having delivered speeches at numerous conferences on successful techniques for teaching language skills.
A. Previous experience in a Frenchspeaking country
B. Attainment of a basic level course in French
C. Awareness of the different French accents and dialects
D. Knowledge of French culture and customs
[单项选择]What will the library do if a reader fails to renew the video when it is due
A. Discard his application form.
B. Forbid him to borrow any items.
C. Ask him to apply again.
D. Cancel his video card.
[简答题]Des livres et des bébés Vous rendez-vous compte de tout ce qu’il est possible, en ce début du 3e millénaire, de dire, d’écrire sur cette rencontre exceptionnelle entre le livre, le bébé et l’adulte qui servira de passeur de culture, de grand ordonnateur du monde, de compagnon de route Impensable il y a encore si peu de temps et peut-être toujours pour certains, qui sont assurés que le bébé ne comprend rien à l’écrit. Mais le bébé du XXIe siècle n’est plus vraiment un bébé, il n’est même plus un infans, celui qui ne parle pas, il est une personne, douée de mille capacités, un vrai savant, il ne demande qu’à être traité avec attention, respect et ...amour, à la vraie mesure de ce qu’il est. Un petit d’homme, un être de désir et de parole, réveillant chez ceux qui s’en occupent, le chérissent, l’accueillent et le soignent, des émotions et des sensations violentes et inconnues. Le bébé a ainsi droit à la culture, précocement. Il a droit à une histoire et à des histoires, de jouer avec
A. A.Oui, parce que le bébé est aussi une personne.
B.Non, le bébé est trop petit pour comprendre qch. aux livres.
C.Le bébé est une personne, il est incapable d’accéder aux livres.
D.Le bébé d’aujourd’hui est une personne douée de mille capacités.

Unforgettable Olympic Moments

Since French baron Pierre de Coubertin gave fresh life to the Olympic movement in 1896, the Games have been witness to some of the most unforgettable moments in sports. Some of those moments have been dazzling athletic achievements. Others have been moments that organizers would have preferred never happened. But good or bad, these events have helped create the memories that shape our perceptions of the Olympic Games to the present day. So here, in no particular order, are seven unforgettable moments from the Summer Olympic Games.
Jesse Owens---Berlin 1936
In 1936, Nazi Germany played host to the Summer Olympics, and Germany’s Adolf Hitler was determined to prove the superiority of the Aryan race. African-American track star Jesse Owens, a son of a sharecropper and the grandson of slaves, had other plans. In a display that dealt a tremendous blow to the Nazi’s racist ideology


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