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发布时间:2024-09-08 18:58:59

[填空题]{{B}} Five Power Keys for Leadership Success{{/B}} Many people hope to become a successful leader. In fact, there are 5 power keys which can help them realize the dream. Ⅰ.{{B}} Simplify the{{/B}} {{U}} (1) {{/U}} (1) ______. 1. In a certain situation, people {{U}} (2) {{/U}} you to guide them in dealing (2) ______. with complicated problems. 2. This power key relies on your ability to investigate, evaluate, {{U}} (3) {{/U}} and communicate solutions. (3) ______. Ⅱ. {{B}}Envision New Vistas{{/B}} 1. You should give your group a vivid vision to do things inspiring and worthwhile, exciting their hearts, minds, souls and spirits. 2. The power key includes creating, shaping, sharpening and publicizing an imagined view of a/an {{U}} (4) {{/U}}. You should encourage people (4) ______. to embrace it. Ⅲ. {{B}}Concentrate Your Efforts{{/B}}

更多"{{B}} Five Power "的相关试题:

[填空题]{{B}} Five Power Keys for Leadership Success{{/B}} Many people hope to become a successful leader. In fact, there are 5 power keys which can help them realize the dream. Ⅰ.{{B}} Simplify the{{/B}} {{U}} (1) {{/U}} (1) ______. 1. In a certain situation, people {{U}} (2) {{/U}} you to guide them in dealing (2) ______. with complicated problems. 2. This power key relies on your ability to investigate, evaluate, {{U}} (3) {{/U}} and communicate solutions. (3) ______. Ⅱ. {{B}}Envision New Vistas{{/B}} 1. You should give your group a vivid vision to do things inspiring and worthwhile, exciting their hearts, minds, souls and spirits. 2. The power key includes creating, shaping, sharpening and publicizing an imagined view of a/an {{U}} (4) {{/U}}. You should encourage people (4) ______. to embrace it. Ⅲ. {{B}}Concentrate Your Efforts{{/B}}
[单项选择]A. Six fifty-five. B. Seven fifteen. C. Seven five. D. Half past six.
[单项选择]Ever since the first nuclear power stations were built, doubts have () about their safety.
A. preserved
B. survived
C. suspended
D. lingered
[简答题]A——to select power management mode B——to show hidden files C——to select the path name for the file D——to rename an existing file E——to complete a document F——to select the text you want to print G——to move to the start of the current line H——to delete the current line I——to delete the current selection J——to open second edit window K——to close second edit window L——to open the file in read-only mode M——to click the item you want to change N——to display information about Edit O——to confirm each replacement QUESTIONS: Example: ( E ) 完成一个文档 ( M ) 点击想更改的项目 51.( )显示编辑资料 ( )关闭第二个编辑窗口 52.( )选择你想打印的文本 ( )删除当前选项 53.( )选择电源管理模式 ( )以只读模式打开文件 54.( )移动光标到当前行的开关 ( )给一个已存在的文件重命名 55.( )显示隐藏文件 ( )给当前文件选择一个路径名


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