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发布时间:2024-07-30 06:33:57

[单项选择]On the front page of the FT (Finance Times ) last Tuesday was a photo of three white men in their 60s all shaking hands together.
This was not terribly remarkable: every day the FT is full of pictures of white men approaching retirement age. What was odd about this trio was their extraordinary uniformity. On the left was Phil Condit, departing chief executive of Boeing, and on the right the man who is to take his place.
Both men had the same glasses, the same short brown hair receding sharply at the temples. They were in the same navy blazers with brass buttons and the same button-down shirts with the same top button ill-advisedly undone to reveal the same section of loose neck. The only difference was that the outgoing guy seemed to have eaten more business lunches and looked tougher.
Between them sat Lew Platt, the new chairman, who had dared to be different by wearing grey instead of navy, but otherwise it was the same story with the hair, specs, shirt and neck.
A. Because the picture is on the front page of Finance Times.
B. Because the three men in the picture are all in their 60s.
C. Because all the three men are famous tycoons.
D. Because the three men in the picture dress alik

更多"On the front page of the FT (Financ"的相关试题:

[单项选择]On the front page of the FT (Finance Times ) last Tuesday was a photo of three white men in their 60s all shaking hands together.
This was not terribly remarkable: every day the FT is full of pictures of white men approaching retirement age. What was odd about this trio was their extraordinary uniformity. On the left was Phil Condit, departing chief executive of Boeing, and on the right the man who is to take his place.
Both men had the same glasses, the same short brown hair receding sharply at the temples. They were in the same navy blazers with brass buttons and the same button-down shirts with the same top button ill-advisedly undone to reveal the same section of loose neck. The only difference was that the outgoing guy seemed to have eaten more business lunches and looked tougher.
Between them sat Lew Platt, the new chairman, who had dared to be different by wearing grey instead of navy, but otherwise it was the same story with the hair, specs, shirt and neck.
A. they have the same taste for dressing
B. they want to be identical
C. that’s fashionable
D. they are required by the magazine to do so
[单项选择]How many times did the directors meet last month
A. 9.
B. 7.
C. 2.
D. 1.
[单项选择]Last year our company spent four times as much money in developing new products as we did four years ago()
A. 去年和4年前一样,我公司先后4次投入大量资金发展新产品。
B. 和4年前一样,去年我公司花了4倍的资金研制新产品。
C. 去年,我公司花费在开发新产品上的经费比4年前多了3倍。
D. 我公司今年花费的新产品开发费用比4年前多出4倍。
[填空题]Last month’s rainfall was three times (much) ______ than the average for that period.


第一、建立联席会议制度。由市政府副秘书长丁××同志负责( )联席会议,成员为市商务局、统计局、工商局、国税局、地税局、公安局、卫生局、食品药品监管局、文广新局等相关部门负责同志。及时分析研究商贸流通业统计工作存在问题,提出解决办法,共同做好商贸流通业统计工作。

A. 关于转发《××省人民政府办公厅关于做好商贸流通业统计工作的通知》
B. 转发××省人民政府办公厅关于做好商贸流通业统计工作的通知
C. 关于做好商贸流通业统计工作的通知
D. 关于贯彻落实××省政府关于做好商贸流通业统计工作的通知


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