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发布时间:2023-10-26 19:35:30

[填空题]What is the next step if no settlement can be reached
Either ______ can submit the case for arbitration.

更多"What is the next step if no settlem"的相关试题:

[填空题]What is the next step if no settlement can be reached
Either ______ can submit the case for arbitration.

[单项选择]What is the woman’s next step
A. To inspect the product
B. To consult a manager
C. To return the man’s money
D. To finalize the man’s purchase
[单项选择]Passage ThreeWhat is the next step of improving one’S listening by watching movies
A. Watch the film two more times.
B. Memorize the scenes and stories.
C. Listen to the film instead of watching it.
D. Repeat what the characters say in the film.
Passage Three
What is the next step of improving one’S listening by watching movies
A. Watch the film two more times.
B. Memorize the scenes and stories.
C. Listen to the film instead of watching it.
D. Repeat what the characters say in the film.
Automatic Doors in Egypt

When you next step through the doors of a supermarket,spare a thought for Heron,a talented specialist of ancient "high tech" engineering. Nearly two thousand years ago he designed automatically opening doors for the temples of the Egyptian city of Alexandna.
Heron had a talent for designing mechanical wonders to surprise people and make people happy. (46) was a gift to the Egyptian priests,who for centuries had used wonder mechanical or otherwise,as a way of strengthening their authority.
Employing relatively simple mechanical principles, Heron devised a means (47) as if by unseen hands--when the priest lit a fire on the altar outside the temple. The fire heated the air in a metal globe placed beneath the altar ,foreign the water in it through a pipe into an enormous bucket. The bucket was suspended by chains from a system of weights and pulleys, which turned the doors on thei
[单项选择]What did the company decide to do at the next step
A. It would tighten up its maintenance program.
B. It promised to suspend flights temporarily.
C. It promised to strengthen its security conditions.
D. It decided to resort to the law.
[填空题]What’s the next step for Mr. Berners-Lee and his colleagues after, circulating their ideas in public
[单项选择]______, the next step is to decide how the capital of the company is to be made available to the public.
A. This stage has been completed
B. To complete this stage
C. This stage completed
D. This stage completing
[单项选择]The machine ______, the next step was how to operate it.
A. having been installed
B. had been installed
C. having being installed
D. has been installed


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