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发布时间:2023-10-17 10:51:44


W: It’s terrible. I’ve been waiting in this line for 20 minutes.
M: We certainly need a better bus service.

Where does the conversation probably take place ()
A. At a booking office.
B. At a railway station.
C. At the cinema.
D. At a bus stop.

更多"[听力原文] W: It’s terrible. I&"的相关试题:


W: Now you’ve been in America for a while. Do you watch TV in English or in Chinese
M: I watch TV in Chinese, but if it’s on in English I will watch it in English.
W: Um, how good is your comprehension How much can you understand
M: If it’s a drama I can understand most of what’s happening, and definitely the story, 9but if a talk show and there’re young people on and there’re speaking fast, with a lot of slang. I don’t really understand a lot of what they’re saying. Although I might know what topic they’re discussing. I won’t know what exactly their stand is.
W: Many people claim that they don’t have time to work out or cook healthy meals, yet they do find the time to park themselves in front of the TV. What do you think of that
M: I think that TV is bad for people. Because instead of reading a book or doing something outside, or doing something pro
A. The young people are talking fast with a lot of slang.
B. He doesn’t like young people’s talking way.
C. He is not familiar with the topic they are discussing.
D. He doesn’t know what exactly their stand is.


W: It’s terrible. I have been waiting in this line for 20 minutes.
M: We certainly need better bus service.

Where does this conversation probably take place ()
A. At a booking office.
B. At a railway station.
C. At the cinema.
D. At a bus stop.

W: Have you been to the new supermarket
M: Yes. It’s quite a long way away, but the prices are reasonable and the vegetables are quite fresh.

What is the disadvantage of the supermarket ()
A. Lack of food supply.
B. The vegetables are not fresh.
C. It’s far away from.
D. The prices are too hig

W: You must have been driving too fast.
M: No, I crashed into the tree because I was Wing not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck just ahead.

What happened to the man()
A. He hit a tree.
B. He hit a truck.
C. He hit a box.
D. He hurt his hea

W: Where have you been all this time The plane is about to take off.
M: I am so sorry, but 1 thought you were at the information desk.

Where did the man think he could find the woman ()
A. At the airport.
B. At the information desk.
C. At the platform.
D. She has no idea at all.

M: I hear you’ve been ill.
W: Well, I had the flu for two weeks, but I’m fine now.

How long has the woman been ill()
A. Two weeks.
B. Two hours.
C. Two months.
D. Two days.

W: Have you been to the Baltic Sea
M: I have sailed over it since my childhood.

What is the man’s job()
A. A sailor.
B. A sportsman.
C. A soldier.
D. A hunter.

W: Listen to me, Tom. The exam has been the thing in the past. Just forget about it.
M: It’ s easier said than done.

What can we learn from the conversation ()
A. The exam was easier.
B. Tom is sure that he will do better.
C. The exam is easier than last one.
D. Tom is afraid of failing the exam.

M:I’ve been working really hard in the past semester and I got a B in the English test.
W:Well done.How about your maths

What are the man and woman discussing()
A. The man’s teacher.
B. The man’s English score.
C. The man’s job.
D. The man’s study.


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