[填空题]Access中的数据访页是以 【6】 编码的窗体,由于它可用Web浏览器(如Internet Explorer)对它进行查看,所以,可在使用数据访问页在公司内部网和Internet上查看数据库的内容。
[填空题]Access中的数据访问页是以 【7】 编码的窗体,由于它可用Web浏览器(如Internet Explorer)对它进行查看,所以可使用数据访问页在公司内部网和Internet上查看数据库的内容。
[填空题]Access中的数据访问页是以【6】编码的窗体,由于它可用Web浏览器(如Internet Explorer)对它进行查看,所以,可在使用数据访问页在公司内部网和Internet上查看数据库的内容。
[填空题]用户在互联网上进行信息检索和网页浏览时,Web 浏览器与Web 服务器之间的工作模式是()模式。
[填空题]使用浏览器可以对交换机进行配置,在用于管理的交换机中,必须安装有支持( )的Web浏览器。
[判断题]Web浏览器的默认电子邮件程序只能是Outlook Express。
Traditional Internet access methods like dial-up were so slow that host computers were connected to the dial-up (1) at the customer premise over slow (2) ports. PPP was designed to run directly over these serial links. But with the advent of broadband Internet (3) technologies such as ADSL and cable modems there has been a considerable increase in the bandwidth delivered to the end users. This means that the host computers at the customer premise connect to the (4) or cable "modem" over a much faster medium such as Ethernet. It also means that multiple (5) can connect to the Internet through the same connection.
A. access
B. cache
C. cast
D. storage