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发布时间:2023-11-23 18:56:07


W: Jim, I can see that you simply couldn’t give up smoking.
M: Nonsense. Smoking is the easiest thing in the world to give up. I have done it hundreds of times

What do we learn from this conversation ()
A. The man couldn’t give up smoking.
B. The man found it easy to give up smoking.
C. The woman believed that the man could give up smoking.
D. The man wanted to convince the woman that he could give up smoking.

更多"[听力原文] W: Jim, I can see that you"的相关试题:


W: Jim, I can see that you simply couldn’t give up smoking.
M: Nonsense. Smoking is the easiest thing in the world to give up. I have done it hundreds of times

What do we learn from this conversation ()
A. The man couldn’t give up smoking.
B. The man found it easy to give up smoking.
C. The woman believed that the man could give up smoking.
D. The man wanted to convince the woman that he could give up smoking.

W: Can I see the island today
M: You could if this fog would dear up.

What does the man mean ()
A. The woman can see the island.
B. It’ s too foggy to see the island now.
C. It’ s clear where the lawn has been raked.
D. He doesn’ t want to see the island.

M: Do you want to see if I can get the tickets to the basketball game next week
W: I don’t think I have a chance, but you can try anyway.

What does the woman mean()
A. She already has tickets for both of them.
B. She thinks it’s going to be hard to get the tickets.
C. She is trying to fool him.
D. She doesn’t want to get the tickets.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: I can see this is quite an old house.
M: Well, in America, it’s quite old. But in England, it’s actually quite young.
W: How much are you asking
M: $110,000, but it’s negotiable, since I need cash urgently.
W: I see. I suppose this is the living room
M: Yes, you’re right. Look at the fireplace. It was hand-made. The design is really unique. You can’t find it anywhere else.
W: Yes, I like it very much. Can I see the kitchen, please
M: This way, please. Look, it’s spacious and bright, and quite modern.
W: I am satisfied with this house, but the price is a little too high. Can you make a concession

How much is the seller asking for the house()
A. $120,000.
B. $II0,000.
C. $12,000.
D. $11,000.

W:Nice to see you again,John.I hope you’re feeling better.
M:I’m fine now.Having to work so hard,I’m afraid I’ll be back in bed again soon.

What happened to the man()
A. He was on vacation.
B. He was sick.
C. He was moving a bed.
D. He was working for another company.

W: Can I help you. Sir
M: Yes, can you show me the way to Gate 9 for Flight 911 to Hong Kong I’m quite confused here.

Which Flight will the man take()
A. Plight 811.
B. Flight 611.
C. Flight 711.
D. Flight 911.

W: What a surprise to see you at the supermarket! I thought you always ate in restaurants.
M: The restaurants cost too much. I eat at home.

Where does the conversation most probably take place()
A. At the supermarket.
B. In the restaurant.
C. In the man’s home.
D. In the woman’s home.

When we can see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is (Q11) only when we cannot see perfectly that we come to see bow important our eyes are. People who are nearsighted can only see things that (Q12) are very dose to their eyes. Many people who do a lot of close work, (Q13) such as writing, reading and sewing, become nearsighted. They have to wear glasses (Q14) in order to see distant things clearly. (Q15) People who are farsighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty reading a book unless they hold it at arm’ s length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.

Why do nearsighted people wear glasses
In order to see().


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