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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:05:30


M: Michael is supposed to be here by 8:00.
W: His wife said he left home at 7:40, so he won’t here before 8:20.

What time is Michael supposed to arrive()
A. 7:30.
B. 8:50.
C. 8:15.
D. 8:00.

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M: Michael is supposed to be here by 8:00.
W: His wife said he left home at 7:40, so he won’ t here before 8:20.

What time is Michael supposed to arrive ()
A. 7:30
B. 8:50
C. 8:15
D. 8:00

M: Are the subway trains easy m take here
W: Oh, yes. I recommend the subways. They are very fast, faster than taxis.

What will the speakers probably take()
A. The bus.
B. The taxi.
C. The subway.
D. The train.

Conversation 1
M: (6) Here are the menus, please.
W: Thank you. Now let me see...
M: (6) Are you ready to order
W: Yes, I think I’ll have the steak.
M: Fine. What would you like to go with your steaks
W: I think I’ll have shrimps and a green salad, please.
M: And what would you like to drink Bottled beer or wine
W: (7) I like wine better.
M: All right, I’ll be back soon.

Where does the conversation lake place()
A. In a store.
B. In an office.
C. In a restaurant.
D. In a supermarket.

M: Does Jackie Hunter live here I have a letter for her, but her name is not on the mail- box.
W: Yes. She lives under us on the second floor.

What is the man’s occupation()
A. A milkman.
B. A postman.
C. A newspaperman.
D. A repairman.

M: Was it very cold here last winter
W: Not really. The temperature never dropped below freezing. There was a little snow in December around Christmas time.

What did the woman say about the weather ()
A. The temperature dropped below freezing.
B. It was very cold.
C. It was mildly cold in the early winter last year.
D. It was very cold during Christmas tim

M: Alice is supposed to be here at the meeting tonight.
W: She has caught a bad cold and has to stay at home.

Wily didn’t Alice show herself at the meeting tonight()
A. She flew out of town.
B. She’s ill.
C. She is on vacation.
D. She decided to stay at hom

M: Hi, Karen! Fancy meeting you here!
W: Fancy meeting you here, too. Jack! How are you It’s been ages since we met last time!
M: I’m fine, thank you. Seeing you now just reminds me of the good days we spent together in school.
W: Me too. Do you usually come here
M: Right, I enjoy going through secondhand bookstores, don’t you’ It’s interesting to see what people used to enjoy reading. Did you see this old book of children’s stories
W: Some of these books aren’t so old, though. See This mystery was published only six years ago. It cost seventy-five cents. You can’t beat that.
M: Hey! Look at this!
W: What Are you getting interested in nineteenth-century poetry all of a sudden
M: No. Look at the inscription. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note on the inside of the front cover. It’s dated 1893. Maybe it’ll worth something.
A. An old envelope.
B. A photograph.
C. A piece of note.
D. An inscription.


M: Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here
W: No, of course not. It’s so crowded here.

What does the woman’s answer mean ()
A. Please sit down.
B. She doesn’t want him to sit down.
C. She doesn’t like the man.
D. She wants the man to go away.

M. Mike is supposed to be here at 9:00.
W. He phoned me at 8:30 just before he left his home.
M: But he is five minutes late now.

What time is it now ()
A. 9:00
B. 8:35
C. 8:55
D. 9:05

M: I wish I could see George here.
W: He’s planning to come, but a moment ago his wife called to say that be had to take his father to the hospital.

Who’ s ill ()
A. George’ s brother.
B. George’ s wife.
C. George’s father.
D. George’s wife’s father.

M: Do you mind if I smoke here
W: Of course not.

What dose the woman mean()
A. Go outside to smoke.
B. Don’t smoke here, please.
C. Your smoking doesn’t bother me.
D. Sorry, you can’t.


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