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发布时间:2024-07-28 21:20:30

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage 4{{/B}}
  It was a very good year for the Global 500, new-comers and old-comers alike. But can it last
Think of FORTUNE’s Global 500 as a candid family portrait, a statistical snapshot of the world’s largest corporations assembled shoulder to shoulder, frozen in time. So it is that this year, in the waning light of the 20th century, our reunion photo captures an optimistic scene: a rosy business landscape populated by jolly corporate giants--healthy, happy, and fat. After stumbling amidst the economic turmoil of 1998, the companies of the Global 500 recovered gracefully in 1999. Their total revenues increased 10.6% the best top-line growth in four years, and profits surged 26%.
Many of last year’s leaders are once again ahead of the pack. General Motors (No. 1) held tight to its position atop the revenue rankings. (2) But Wal-
A. Pessimistic.
B. Tense.
C. Sad.
D. Optimistic.

更多"{{B}}Passage 4{{/B}}   It "的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage 4{{/B}}
  It was a very good year for the Global 500, new-comers and old-comers alike. But can it last
Think of FORTUNE’s Global 500 as a candid family portrait, a statistical snapshot of the world’s largest corporations assembled shoulder to shoulder, frozen in time. So it is that this year, in the waning light of the 20th century, our reunion photo captures an optimistic scene: a rosy business landscape populated by jolly corporate giants--healthy, happy, and fat. After stumbling amidst the economic turmoil of 1998, the companies of the Global 500 recovered gracefully in 1999. Their total revenues increased 10.6% the best top-line growth in four years, and profits surged 26%.
Many of last year’s leaders are once again ahead of the pack. General Motors (No. 1) held tight to its position atop the revenue rankings. (2) But Wal-
A. 15%.
B. 26%.
C. 10.6%.
D. 45%
[单项选择]How was the cake
A. Very good. B. Not very good. C. Too bad.
[单项选择]Passage OneA. Very cool weather. B. Very warm weather.
C. Raining weather. D. Fair weather.
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage 4{{/B}}
Very early in the morning, before daybreak for the greater part of the year, the men would throw on their clothes, breakfast on bread and fat, snatch the dinner baskets which had been packed for them overnight, and hurry off across the fields to the farm. Getting the boys off was a more difficult matter. Mothers would have to call and shake and sometimes pull boys of eleven or twelve out of their warm beds in a winter morning.
Most of the young and those in the prime of life were thickset, red-faced men of good medium height and enormous strength, who prided themselves on the weights they could carry and boasted of never having had an ache nor a pain in their lives. The elders stooped, had gnarled and swollen hands and, walked badly, for they felt the effects of a life spent out of doors in all weathers and of the rheumati
A. satisfied with their weight and good health
B. boastful of their great height and energy
C. vain about their good health and strength
D. proud of their being able to carry light weights
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
The very word "perfume" has feminine meaning to many male ears. Men can be sold" deodorant (除臭剂)", but the idea of all those little bottles with their fussy paraphernalia (随身用具) is too much for the sensitive male ego. Yet no industry can afford to neglect half its potential market, and perfume-makers are ever keen to crack the shell of male silence. Now they may know how to do so.
Craig Roberts of the University of Liverpool and his colleagues -- working with a team from Unilever’s research laboratory at nearby Port Sunlight -- have been investigating the problem. They already knew that appropriate scents can improve the mood of those who wear them. What they discovered, though, as they will describe in a forthcoming edition of the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, is that when a man changes his natural body
A. Because it is of much trouble to carry such bottles.
B. Because such bottles somewhat bear feminine meaning.
C. Because it is fairly enough for them to take deodorant.
D. Because perfume-makers’ neglect of them has angered them.
A: Hi. Tom. How are you
B: Not very good.
A: Sorry. {{U}} (24) {{/U}} {{U}} (25) {{/U}} {{U}} (26) {{/U}} (怎么了)
B: I don’t know. These days I always have a lot of homework to do.
A: I sec.
B: {{U}} (27) {{/U}} {{U}} (28) {{/U}} give me some advice (你能给我一些建议吗)
A: I’ll try my best. What {{U}} (29) {{/U}} you {{U}} (30) {{/U}} {{U}} (31) {{/U}} exercise (你看锻炼怎么样)
B: I don’t have time for it. Every day I am busy with school work.
A: That’s the problem (问题). You {{U}} (32) {{/U}} {{U}} (33) {{/U}} too {{U}} (34) {{/U}} (你学习太辛苦了). It’s {{U}} (35) {{/U}} {{U}} (36) {{/U}} {{U}} (37) {{/U}} {{U}} (38) {{/U}} (这样对你的身体不利).
B: So what can I do then
A: How about {{U}} (39) {{/U}} in the morning (早上跑步怎样) {{U}} (40) {{/U}} do it tomorrow (让我们明天开始跑吧).
B: Ok.


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