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发布时间:2023-10-08 00:16:46

[填空题]Biological rhythms make us a different person at 9 a.m. from we are at 3 p.m. Here’s a guide to when you work better, feel better, think better.
Every fall, Jane, a young mother and part-time librarian, begin to eat more and often feels sleepy. Her mood is also darker, especially when she awakens in the morning; it takes all her energy just to drag herself out of bed. These symptoms persist until April, when warmer weather and longer days seem to lighten her cravings for food and sleep.
66. ______
All living organisms, from mollusks to men and women, exhibit biological rhythms. Some are short and can be measured in minutes or hours. Others last days or months. The peaking of body temperature, which occurs in most people every evening, is a daily rhythm. The menstrual cycle is a monthly rhythm. The increase in sexual drive in the autumn — not in the spring, as poets would have us believe — is a seasonal, or yearly, rhythm.
The idea that our bodies are in cons

更多"Biological rhythms make us a differ"的相关试题:

[填空题]Biological rhythms make us a different person at 9 a.m. from we are at 3 p.m. Here’s a guide to when you work better, feel better, think better.
Every fall, Jane, a young mother and part-time librarian, begin to eat more and often feels sleepy. Her mood is also darker, especially when she awakens in the morning; it takes all her energy just to drag herself out of bed. These symptoms persist until April, when warmer weather and longer days seem to lighten her cravings for food and sleep.
66. ______
All living organisms, from mollusks to men and women, exhibit biological rhythms. Some are short and can be measured in minutes or hours. Others last days or months. The peaking of body temperature, which occurs in most people every evening, is a daily rhythm. The menstrual cycle is a monthly rhythm. The increase in sexual drive in the autumn — not in the spring, as poets would have us believe — is a seasonal, or yearly, rhythm.
The idea that our bodies are in cons
Conversational Skills

People who usually make us feel comfortable in conversations are good talkers. And they have something in common, i.e. skills to put people at ease.
1. Skill to ask questions
1) be aware of the human nature: readiness to answer others’ questions regardless of (1)
2) start a conversation with some personal but unharmful questions
e.g. questions about one’s (2)
questions about one’s activities in the (3)
3) be able to spot signals for further talk
2. Skill to (4) for answers
1) don’t shift from subject to subject
-- sticking to the same subject: (5) in conversation
2) listen to (6) of voice
-- If people sound unenthusiastic, then change subject.
3) use eyes and ears
-- steady your gaze while listening
3. Skill to laugh
Effects of laughter:
-- (7)
-- help start (8) <
[填空题]What is public good
It is one that a person can use without ______ the use of it for another person.

[单项选择]Biological wizardry of a different sort is responsible for the ruggedness of sea-ear shells, which under high-powered microscopes resemble ______ constructed stone walls.
A. reversibly
B. elaborately
C. spontaneously
D. concurrently
[判断题]Our human friends sometimes may make us bored, but the friends in books may also be hurt by us.
[填空题]People consume more and more calories to make us feel that we are full at meals that are rich in______.


Every body gets sick. Disease and injury make us suffer throughout our lives, until finally, some attack on the body brings our existence to an end. Fortunately, most of us in modem industrialized societies can take relatively good health for granted most of the time. In fact, we tend to fully realize the importance of good health only when we or those close to us become seriously ill. At such times we keenly appreciate the ancient truth that health is our most precious asset, one for which we might readily give up such rewards as power, wealth, or fame.
Because iii health is universal problem, affecting the individual and society, the human response to sickness is always socially organized. No society leaves the responsibility for maintaining health and treating iii health entirely to the individual. Each society develops its own concepts of health and sickness and authorizes certain people to decide who is sick and how the sick should be treated. Around this focus there
A. In the past, bones might be used to decide why people fell ill.
B. In pre-industrial societies priests sometimes treated patients by singing.
C. Modern medicine is so complicated that sociology no longer has a place in it.
D. There were only two roles in an elementary medical system, the patient and the one who tried to cure him.


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