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发布时间:2023-10-23 12:55:49

[填空题]·provides students with vocational training

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[填空题]·provides students with vocational training
[单项选择]This training program provides companies with the knowledge and skills which are needed for their success.
A. 本培训课程为各公司提供取得成功的必要知识和技能。
B. 公司要取得成功,需要此培训课程提供的知识和技能。
C. 此项培训计划成功地为公司提供了必需的知识和技能。
D. 公司的知识和技能是成熟的,因此本次培训获得成功。
[单项选择] Vocational Education   Vocational education refers to education for a particular occupation, industrialized countries have seen a fall in demand for unskilled workers, and an increase in jobs in the professional, technical, commercial and administrative sector. Vocational education is traditionally associated with trades and crafts: young people were apprentice to employers for a number of years and learned on the job. Today the focus has shifted from the workplace to secondary and higher education institutions and from employers’ to government provision and finance. Trainees in most occupations combine workplace training with study at a technical or academic institution. In the former Soviet Union, school and work were always strongly linked from primary school. Germany provides nine out of ten young people not entering higher education with vocational training, and training is planned from national down to locate level through joint committees of government representatives, employe
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
[多项选择]On Military Training for College Students
1. 大学生军训的现状;
2. 人们对军训的看法;
3. 你的态度。

The students’ Union provides virtually all the other forms and aspects of education outside the bounds of your academic studies. There is more to college life than just your studies; for many, this will be their firs! foray beyond the borders of tile family home and for everyone, college life will be new and the desire to experiment and make the most of it will be unanimous. This is where the Students’ Union comes in.
The Students’ Union is run by an Executive Committee of 18 members of which there are sabbatical officers, the President, Vice-President and the Entertainment and publicity officer. This committee is elected annually by the student body and meets weekly to organize and ensure the smooth running of all the Students’ Union services from shows to the launderette.
The Students’ Union provides four major services. 1. Presentation: by sitting on all the colleges’ boards and committees including Governors and by j

[填空题]The students in this training school ________________ (年龄从18到35岁之间不等).


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