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发布时间:2024-02-09 23:35:31


M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor
W: What’s your problem
M: I just can not find the right place here. I’ve never been here before.
W: You must be a freshman. What do you want anyway
M: I want to find a book that I need for my term paper, but I cannot find it anywhere.
W: The library has five reading rooms. You may try the General Reading Room. You can find almost all the books there. But you can not take the book out of the reading room.
M. It doesn’t matter. I just want to refer to it for some figures. Where is it
W: Go out of this building, cross the sports field, and you will see a white house. The General Reading Room is inside it.
M: No wonder ! It’s not here! Thank you very much.
W: My pleasure!

Why is the man not able to find the book he needs( ).
A. It’s the first time he’s come to the library.
B. There’s only one reading room in the library.
C. He wants to refer to the book for some figures.

更多"M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor"的相关试题:


M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor
W: What’s your problem
M: I just can not find the right place here. I’ve never been here before.
W: You must be a freshman. What do you want anyway
M: I want to find a book that I need for my term paper, but I cannot find it anywhere.
W: The library has five reading rooms. You may try the General Reading Room. You can find almost all the books there. But you can not take the book out of the reading room.
M. It doesn’t matter. I just want to refer to it for some figures. Where is it
W: Go out of this building, cross the sports field, and you will see a white house. The General Reading Room is inside it.
M: No wonder ! It’s not here! Thank you very much.
W: My pleasure!

Where does this conversation take place ( )
A. In a library.
B. In a bookstore.
C. On a sports field.

M: Can you lend me five dollars
W: I had ten dollars but I just spent seven.

How much money does the woman have now ()
A. $10. 
B. $7. 
C. $5. 
D. $3.
[单项选择]Can you tell me()
A. who is that gentlemen
B. who that gentleman is
C. that gentleman is who
D. whom is that gentle man

W: Can you hand me four eggs, please
M: Sure. Do you need anything else
W: Yes. Give me some sugar and chocolate. Now everything is ready for my super chocolate pie.

What can we learn from the conversation( ).
A. The woman will buy a chocolate pie.
B. The man doesn’t like cooking.
C. The woman is making a chocolate pie.
[多项选择] Can you tell me why you choose your particular career (What sparked your interest in your major How did you first get involved in your career What promoted your interest in fashion How did you first get involved in the design industry)
[多项选择]Can you tell me how important you think imports or exports are to China Why
[单项选择]Mike, can you help me ()
A. This way, please.
B. Here you are.
C. Thanks a lot.
D. Sure, no problem.
[填空题]Where’s the nearest bus stop Can you tell me
Can you tell me ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

[单项选择]—Can you tell me why you learn English so well
—It’s very simple. ______ you work, ______ grades you will get.
A. The harder; the best B. Harder; better
B. The harder; the better
[单项选择]Speaker A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the Prince’s Building is
Speaker B: ( ).
A. The Prince’s Building Why do you want to go there
B. Sure, if you like, I can show you how to get there.
C. Well, turn to the left at the first corner after the crossroads. It’s there near the corner.
D. Strange! What’s going on there Three people have asked me how to get there.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Excuse me, can you tell me where High Street is, please
Speaker B: ______
A. It’s quite far from here. You can’t get there.
B. Not at all. It’s only about 5 minutes’ walk.
C. Take the second turn on the left and then ask again.
D. I should ask you. I’m a stranger myself.
[填空题]Wang: Excuse me, can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the airport Woman: It’ll leave in 3 minutes.


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