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发布时间:2024-07-31 21:23:19

[简答题]国际游资(Hot Money)

更多"国际游资(Hot Money)"的相关试题:

[单项选择]最易于招致国际游资冲击的汇率制度是( )汇率制度。
A. 自由浮动
B. 单独浮动
C. 固定
D. 联合浮动
[单项选择]日本“311”地震后,日元反常地出现了升值现象,而导致日元升值的主要因素之一是国际游资进行的炒作。直到日本央行多次注资以及七国集团干预汇市后,日元汇率才趋于稳定。关于日元升值,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 日元升值能促使日本经济在震后快速恢复,因为“钱更值钱”了
B. 日元升值是投机现象所致,从长远来看不利于日本与国际经济的稳定
C. 日元升值有利于日本扩大出口,充分利用国际市场来恢复经济
D. 日元升值是日本经济发展的必然结果
[简答题]Saporo Ng是Money Money Ltd.的秘书,Money Money Ltd.从事贷款业务,Tyler以衡平法抵押的方式将其公寓转给了该公司。Saporo Ng就以下问题向你咨询: (a)这种担保应根据什么法律进行登记 (b)如果不按法律行事,会有什么后果如果有的话。 (c)如果Tyler是一家股份有限公司,你的建议会有什么不同 (1993年6月)
[简答题]dispatch money
[简答题]bailout money
[填空题]Money launderers know how to move money between countries with different laws to cover up the audit trail.

[简答题]The quantity theory of money holds that the money supply, multiplied by the rate at which it circulates (called velocity 称做周转率) , equals nominal income. Nominal income in turn is the product of real output and prices. But does money supply directly boost nominal income, or does nominal income affect velocity and the demand for money The mechanism is murky.
Central banks control the narrowest measure of the money supply, called the monetary base (货币基数) —typically, currency plus the reserves that commercial banks hold with the central bank. But the relationships between the monetary base, broader monetary aggregates and nominal income is highly unstable.
Central banks have mostly given up trying to target inflation via the money supply. Instead, they study the "output gap" between total demand and the economy’s potential to supply goods and services, determined by such things as the labour force and capital stock, as well as inflation expectations. When demand exceeds supply, i
[填空题] Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of. It serves directly to assist a rapid (36) ___________of goods at reasonable prices, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at (37) ___________ prices. By drawing attention to new ideas it helps (38) ___________to raise standards of living. By helping to increase demand it (39) ___________an increased need for labor, and is therefore an effective way to fight (40) ___________. It lowers the costs of many (41) ___________: without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much, the price of your television (42) ___________would need to be doubled, and travel by bus or tube would cost more. And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a (43) ___________ of reasonable value in the products and services you buy. Apart from the fact that twenty-seven Acts of Parliament govern, the terms of advertising, (44)________________________________


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