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发布时间:2024-07-29 18:36:01

[单项选择]Why didn’t Peter take more money from the bank
A. He was limited by time and the size of his pockets.
B. The maximum sum allowed was 55,000.
C. Large bills were not within his reach.
D. He was afraid that he would be caught on the spot.

更多"Why didn’t Peter take more money fr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why didn’t Peter take more money from the bank
A. He was limited by time and the size of his pockets.
B. The maximum sum allowed was 55, 000.
C. large bills were not within his reach.
D. He was afraid that he would be caught on the spot.
[单项选择]How much money do Peter and Linda get from their parents every week
A. 4 dollars.
B. 5 dollars.
C. 6 dollars.
[单项选择]16 Why didn’t the Vikings take the shortest route between Norway and Greenland
A. They followed the route of migrating birds instead.
B. They wanted to avoid pack-ice.
C. Along the longer route they could stop at islands.
D. They followed the path of the stars instead.
[单项选择]Why are extroverts more likely to take part in risk sports
A. They are generally adventurous.
B. They enjoy the feeling of overcoming anxiety.
C. They like the attention they get during risk sports.

Why do more middle-aged adults have to take care of their ageing parents
Be cause people are living ().

[填空题]Bob didn’t understand why the English businessmen ______ over lunch.

[填空题]The lecturer says that children take more interest in learning if ______ do.
[单项选择]C   “Dad,” I say one day …..take a trip. Why don’t you fly and meet me”   My father had just reired……….. His job filled his day, his thought, his life. While he woke up and took a warm shower, I screamed under a freezing waterfall Peru. While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss watch, I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.   My father sees me drfting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps. He wants me to settle down, but now I want him to find an adventure.   He agrees to travel with me through the national parks. We meet four weeks later in Rapid City.   “ What is our first stop” asks my father.   “What time is it”   “Still don’t have a watch”   Less than an hour away is Mount Rushmore. As he stares up at the four Presidents carved in granite( ), his mouth and eyes open slowly, like those of little boy.   “Unbelievable,” he says, “How was this done”   A film in the information center shows sculptor Gutzon Bor
A. His father is interested in sculpture
B. His father is as innocent as a little boy
C. He should learn sculpture in the future
D. He should pursue a specific aim in life.


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