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发布时间:2023-10-22 10:00:41


A university professor recently made several tests with different animals to find out which was the most clever. He found out that the monkey was cleverer than the other animals he studied.
In one test the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. Inside one small box was some food. The professor wanted to watch the monkey and find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The professor left the room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down on his knees and put his eye to the keyhole. What did he see To his surprise, he found himself looking into the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door looking at the professor through the keyhole, checking to see if the professor had really left!

What did the professor want to know from his tests
He wanted know()

更多"[听力原文]11-15 A university professo"的相关试题:


A university professor recently made several tests with different animals to find out which was the most clever. He found out that the monkey was cleverer than the other animals he studied.
In one test the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. Inside one small box was some food. The professor wanted to watch the monkey and find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The professor left the room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down on his knees and put his eye to the keyhole. What did he see To his surprise, he found himself looking into the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door looking at the professor through the keyhole, checking to see if the professor had really left!

What was the result of the tests
The result was that he found the monkey to be()he studied.

A university professor recently made several experiments with different animals to find out which was the most intelligent. He found out that the monkey was more intelligent than other animals.
In one experiment the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. One small box had some food inside of it. The professor wanted to watch the monkey and to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The professor left the room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he knelt down and put his eye to the keyhole. What did he see To his surprise he found himself looking directly into the eye of the monkey. The monkey was looking at the professor through the other side of the door.

What was the purpose of the professor’s experiments ( )
A. To find out how clever monkeys were.
B. To test the intelligence of different animals.
C. To compare the difference between man and the monkey.
D. To find out how monkeys search for foo

M: Have you seen Lee recently
W: He must be home by now. I saw him leave on his bike half an hour ago.

Where did the woman think Lee is ()
A. On his bike.
B. On the grass.
C. Near the pool.
D. At home.

W:Where is the salad I made this morning
M:We ate it.morn.Can you make more for us

What can we learn from the conversation()
A. They like the salad very much.
B. They are fed up of the salad.
C. They have nothing else to eat.
D. They love their mother very much.

[听力原文] 16-20
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