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发布时间:2024-02-24 02:52:23

[单项选择]Design of all the new tools and implements is based on careful experiments with electronic instruments. First, a human "guinea pig" is tested using a regular tool. Measurements are taken of the amount Of work done, and the buildup of heat in the body. Twisted joints and stretched muscles can not perform as well, it has been found, as joints and muscles in their normal positions. The same person is then tested again, using a tool designed according to the suggestions made by Dr. Tichauer. All these tests have shown the great improvement of the new designs over the old.
One of the electronic instruments used by Dr. Tichauer, the myograph (肌动记器), makes visible through electrical signals the work done by human muscle.
Another machine measures any dangerous features of tools, thus proving information upon which to base a new design. One conclusion of tests made with this machine is that a tripod (三脚架) stepladder is more stable and safer to use than one with four legs.
This wo
A. they are twisted and stretched
B. they are in their normal positions
C. they are tested with a human "guinea pig"
D. they are tested with electronic instruments

更多"Design of all the new tools and imp"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Design of all the new tools and implements is based on careful experiments with electronic instruments. First, a human "guinea pig" is tested using a regular tool. Measurements are taken of the amount Of work done, and the buildup of heat in the body. Twisted joints and stretched muscles can not perform as well, it has been found, as joints and muscles in their normal positions. The same person is then tested again, using a tool designed according to the suggestions made by Dr. Tichauer. All these tests have shown the great improvement of the new designs over the old.
One of the electronic instruments used by Dr. Tichauer, the myograph (肌动记器), makes visible through electrical signals the work done by human muscle.
Another machine measures any dangerous features of tools, thus proving information upon which to base a new design. One conclusion of tests made with this machine is that a tripod (三脚架) stepladder is more stable and safer to use than one with four legs.
This wo
A. A.2, Line 1) is an electronic instrument that ______ . is able to design new toolsB. measures the amount of energy usedC. enables people to see the muscular movementsD. visualizes electrical signals
[单项选择]Passage Four
Design of all the new tools and implements is based on careful experiments with electronic instruments. First, a human "guinea pig" is tested using a regular tool. Measurements are taken of the amount Of work done, and the buildup of heat in the body. Twisted joints and stretched muscles can not perform as well, it has been found, as joints and muscles in their normal positions. The same person is then tested again, using a tool designed according to the suggestions made by Dr. Tichauer. All these tests have shown the great improvement of the new designs over the old.
One of the electronic instruments used by Dr. Tichauer, the myograph (肌动记器), makes visible through electrical signals the work done by human muscle.
Another machine measures any dangerous features of tools, thus proving information upon which to base a new des
A. they are twisted and stretched
B. they are in their normal positions
C. they are tested with a human "guinea pig"
D. they are tested with electronic instruments

What does the new emergency base on
[单项选择]It is said that mathematics is the base of all other sciences, and that arithmetic, the science of numbers, is the base of mathematics. Numbers consist of whole numbers which are formed by the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9, and by combinations of them. Parts of numbers smaller than 1 are sometimes expressed in terms of fractions (分数), but in scientific usage they are given as decimals (十进位). This is because it is easier to perform the various mathematical operation if decimals are used instead of fractions.
The decimal, or ten-scale, system is used for scientific purposes throughout the world. It is even accepted in countries whose national systems of weights and measurements are based upon other scales. The other scale in general use nowadays is the binary, or two-scale. In such a scale, numbers are expressed by combinations of only two digits, 0 and 1. This scale is perfectly adapted to the "off-on" pulses of electricity, and so it is widely used in computers. It is because of

All new products (产品) start as ideas. The manager looks at all the new ideas (1) puts development money into (2) of them. Then the producers (生产商) do some market studies. (3) , the producers of Friendly Fish once asked a large group of eight-year-old children (4) the new product. They asked the children (5) like, "Which (6) do you like" Some children wanted it green and blue, and (7) wanted it red. But all of them (8) Friendly Fish. They loved Friendly Fish. The study showed that Friendly Fish (9) sell all over Europe. The producers of Friendly Fish (10) half a million dollars.

A. will
B. would
C. may


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