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发布时间:2023-10-04 21:23:56

Bokos Wood, Inc.

May 12
Dear. Ms. Rose
We would like to inform all our valued customers about some developments at Bokos Wood, Inc., your favorite lumber store. Next month, we will be relocating our Louisville store to a bigger space in nearby Waterston. To find out how to get there, please check online at
www.bokoswood.com. This move will enable us to keep our prices low since we will be closer to our suppliers. So please drop by our new location to check out all the great deals on the products we are currently offering.
As we strive to provide all customers with excellent service, we are implementing some other changes. Beginning in June, we will stock additional types of imported wood such as Swedish Cedar, Danish Rosewood, and Jamaican Mahogany. We will also increase the size of our staff to better serve you. And there is good news. To commemorate moving to our new location we will cut 15% off the price o
A. It will open in July.
B. It is nearer to Sweden.
C. There is a lumber store nearby.
D. It is closer to Bokos’s suppliers.

更多"Bokos Wood, Inc. May 12 Dear."的相关试题:

Bokos Wood, Inc.

May 12
Dear. Ms. Rose
We would like to inform all our valued customers about some developments at Bokos Wood, Inc., your favorite lumber store. Next month, we will be relocating our Louisville store to a bigger space in nearby Waterston. To find out how to get there, please check online at
www.bokoswood.com. This move will enable us to keep our prices low since we will be closer to our suppliers. So please drop by our new location to check out all the great deals on the products we are currently offering.
As we strive to provide all customers with excellent service, we are implementing some other changes. Beginning in June, we will stock additional types of imported wood such as Swedish Cedar, Danish Rosewood, and Jamaican Mahogany. We will also increase the size of our staff to better serve you. And there is good news. To commemorate moving to our new location we will cut 15% off the price o
A. To explain an upcoming renovation project
B. To encourage offline purchases
C. To advertise a new business
D. To provide information on improvements
[填空题]In order to improve our listening, what may we listen to after class After class, we may listen to ______.
[填空题]May we have the _____ of your company for dinner
[单项选择]— May we leave the classroom now
— No, you ______. You ______ to leave until the bell rings.
A. needn’t ; are allowed
B. don’t have to; are supposed
C. mustn’t ; aren’t allowed
D. can’t ; aren’t supposed
[单项选择]We may think we know the revealing signs of lying, be it shifty eyes or nervous behaviors. Professional interrogators look for such tells, too, assuming a suspect’s nervousness betrays his guilt. But interrogation can unsettle even the innocent, so nervousness alone cannot distinguish liars from truth tellers.
Scientists looking for better ways to detect lies have found a promising one: increasing suspects’ "cognitive load." For a host of reasons, their theory goes, lying is more mentally taxing than telling the truth. Performing an extra task while lying or telling the truth should therefore affect the liars more.
To test this idea, deception researchers led by psychologist Aldert Vrij of the University of Portsmouth in England asked one group to lie convincingly and another group to tell the truth about a staged theft scenario that only the truth tellers had experienced. A second pair of groups had to do the same but with a crucial twist: both the liars and the truth teller
A. Shifty eyes and nervous behaviors are the two revealing signs of lying.
B. Professional interrogation can make nervous and guilty liars to tell the truth.
C. Interrogation may not be the most appropriate way to find out the suspect.
D. Many reasons have proven that cognitive load is a well-established theory.
[填空题]Car sales rose steadily from May to July.

[填空题]The sale fell during April but rose again in May to reach the same level as in March.




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