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发布时间:2024-07-28 21:14:36

[单项选择]Diderot was also a philosophical materialist,( ) that thought developed from the movements and changes of matter.
A. believing
B. have been located
C. believes
D. be locating

更多"Diderot was also a philosophical ma"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Diderot was also a philosophical materialist, ______that thought developed from the movements and changes of matter.
A. believing
B. have been located
C. believes
D. be locating
[单项选择]We live in a materialist society. We are trained from our earliest years to be (31) . Our possessions, "mine" and "yours ", are clearly (32) from early childhood. When we grow older enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that success is measured (33) the money we earn. We spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses. If we buy a new television set, Jones is (34) to buy a bigger and better one.
It is not only in affluent society that people are (35) with the idea of making more money. Consumer goods are (36) everywhere and modern industry deliberately (37) create new markets. Gone (38) the days when industrial goods are made to (39) forever. The wheels of industry must be kept turning. Unfashionable goods are made to be (40) . Cars get tinnier and tinnier. You no sooner acquire this year’s model (41) you are thinking hard about its (42)
[简答题]If time and energy permits, they would also like to take some part-time jobs to increase their income.
[简答题] Computing is driving the philosophical understanding of quantum theory For evidence of the power of simplicity, you need look no further than a computer. Everything it does is based on the manipulation of binary digits, or bits-units of information that can be either 0 or 1. Using logical operations to combine those 0s and Is allows computers to add, multiply and divide, and from there go on to achieve all the feats of the digital age. But at each step of the complex operations involved, each bit has a definite value. The same cannot be said of many properties in quantum physics, such as the spin of an atomic nucleus or the position of an electron orbiting such a nucleus. At a small scale, such properties can have more than one value at once. In 1994, Peter Shor, a mathematician then at AT&T’’s Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, realised that a computer that used such quantum properties to represent information could factorise large numbers extremely quickly. This is an


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