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发布时间:2023-10-21 20:10:44

[简答题]自查韦斯(Hugo Chavez)1999年就任总统以来,委内瑞拉与古巴两国间的经贸往来和文化交流日益增多。

更多"自查韦斯(Hugo Chavez)1999年就任总统以来,委内瑞拉与古"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A国与B国相邻,为谋求共同发展,多年来,两国间签署了若干个双边协议。后A国分立为C、D两国。根据国际法中有关国家继承的规则,对于C、D两国,下列哪项条约可以不予继承( )
A. 国与B国间的划界条约
B. A国与B国间的共同开发转基因产品协定
C. A国与B国间的共同防御条约
D. 均可不予继承
A. 该分公司在丙国,其财产应适用丙国法律 
B. 甲公司的债权人中还有丙国公司,该分公司的财产应适用丙国法律 
C. 物权关系应当适用物之所在地法,该分公司的财产应适用丙国法律 
D. 甲公司是乙国的公司,该分公司的财产的物权关系应适用乙国法律
[简答题]1.近年来中西方文化交流日益深入; 2.简要分析其原因; 3.谈谈你对外来文化所持的态度。 {{B}}Culture Communication{{/B}}

Hugo liked the bike best among all the gifts.
Hugo liked the bike better than ()gifts.

A. 氨基糖苷类
B. 四环素类
C. 米诺环素
D. 氯霉素
E. 头孢菌素类
[填空题]Hurricane Hugo was weaker when it hit the United States than when it hit the Caribbean islands.

[简答题]Hugo had been a lawyer in practice before he joined Property Limited as a director of the company five years ago. The business of the company is about property investments. Last month, Hugo signed a document of the company without reading it. The document was in fact a contract and related to the selling of an asset of the company to another contracting party. By reason of a typing mistake, the selling price of the asset was wrongly stated in the contract as $2,000,000 when the correct price should be $3,000,000. The company has suffered loss as a result. Required: In relation to company law, advise Hugo as to whether he is liable for the loss suffered by the company. (10 marks)
[单项选择]When he died in 1885 at the age of 83, Victor Hugo was beyond question the most famous man of letters in France, and perhaps the world -his only rival being Charles Dickens. The English put up memorials to show where their literary celebrities lived or were born, and sometimes grant them burial in Westminster Abbey. Hugo, however, is the only writer to have stone to mark his place of conception. His parents’ epochal embrace took place in a forest 3,000 feet up on Mount Donon, overlooking the Rhineland, in May 1801, though it’s typical Of Hugo’s own overstating habit that in adult life he claimed it happened 3,000 feet higher still, and on Mount Blanc.
In his life he was compared to (often by himself) an eagle, a titan, a monster; to Homer, Shakespeare, Dante and Cervantes. He wrote enormous, turbulent, dark novels, two of which (Les Miserable and The Hunchback of Notre Dame) in our own day have been turned, respectively, into a musical and a Disney film. Few read the originals,
A. The English like to set up memorials for themselves.
B. Victor Hugo was born on the French Mount Donon.
C. Charles Dickens was not on good terms with Hugo.
D. The French writer liked to overstate his experience.
[简答题]ArticlesIl habite _____place Victor Hugo, dans le centre ville.
A. A.à la
D.dans la


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