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发布时间:2024-07-30 21:59:45

[单项选择]Passage Four
Today, the Indianapolis 500, one of the world’s most famous car races, takes about four hours to run. If the Indy 500 had been held in 1895, it would have taken almost three days. The horseless carriage had just been invented a short time before. Top speeds back then were much lower than they are today. For most people, just seeing a car move without a horse pulling it was thrilling enough. The driver’s main concern was making sure the car didn’t break down.
One of the first car races was held in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day in 1895. Folks crowded the streets to gawk at the new machines. The route of the race went through the heart of town. The cars were to go out to a nearby suburb and back. The race covered a distance of about 54 miles. That’s less than one-tenth the distance at Indy. The drivers cranked up their engines and p
A. their engines broke down
B. the drivers were afraid of the high speed
C. the brakes jammed
D. they ran out of gas

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[单项选择]Passage Four
Today, the Indianapolis 500, one of the world’s most famous car races, takes about four hours to run. If the Indy 500 had been held in 1895, it would have taken almost three days. The horseless carriage had just been invented a short time before. Top speeds back then were much lower than they are today. For most people, just seeing a car move without a horse pulling it was thrilling enough. The driver’s main concern was making sure the car didn’t break down.
One of the first car races was held in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day in 1895. Folks crowded the streets to gawk at the new machines. The route of the race went through the heart of town. The cars were to go out to a nearby suburb and back. The race covered a distance of about 54 miles. That’s less than one-tenth the distance at Indy. The drivers cranked up their engines and p
A. the Indianapolis 500
B. a new kind of car
C. an early auto race
D. the streets of Chicago

Passage Four

Today the study of language in our schools is somewhat confusing. It is the most traditional of scholastic subjects being taught in a time when many of our traditions no longer fit our needs. You to whom these pages are addressed speak English and are therefore in a worse case than any other literate people.
People pondering the origin of language for the first time usually arrive at the conclusion that it developed gradually as a system of conventionalized grunts, hisses, and cries and must have been a very simple affair in the beginning. But when we observe the language behavior of what we regard as primitive cultures, we find it strikingly elaborate and complicated. Srefansson, the explorer said that "in order to get along reasonably well an Eskimo must have at the tip of his tongue a vocabulary of mo
A. spoken in England, Denmark, Spain, and Hawaii
B. less than the size of the language spoken by Eskimos
C. highly inflected
D. inestimable
[单项选择]Passage Four
Today the average worker is paid less than $ 4 an hour in Portugal and $ 9 an hour in Spain, compared with $13 in Germany and almost $16 in Denmark. Taking accounts of non-wage costs, such as employer’s social-security contributions, the gap is wider still: from $ 6 in Portugal to $ 24 in Germany. With the EC’s single market knocking down barriers in intra-European trade, no wonder German companies now seem keener on sunnier climes. But how long will southern Europe’s cost advantage last
Conventional wisdom argues that greater economic integration within the single market, and later under a single currency, will cause wages to converge. Increased labor mobility, for example, should allow worker to move from low-wage to high-wage economics. Increased trade and cross-border investment should also push labor costs closer.
The e
A. decreased trade and cross-border investment push the labor costs lower
B. labor mobility and the easiness of communicating allow worker to migrate
C. the pace of convergence is seemingly stepping up at a higher rate
D. the southern Europe’s cost advantage will last for a while
[单项选择]Passage Four
Television is one of today’s most powerful and widespread means of mass communication. It directly influences our lives on both a short and long-term basis; it brings worldwide situations into our homes; it affords extensive opportunities for acquiring higher education; and it performs these tasks in a convenient yet effective manner. We are all aware of the popularly accepted applications of television, particularly those relative to entertainment and news broadcasting. Television, however, has also been a vital link in unmanned deep space exploration (such as the Voyager I and Ⅱ missions), in providing visions from hazardous areas (such as proximity to radioactive materials or environments) in underwater research, in viewing storms moving across a metropolitan area (the camera being placed in a weather-protective enclosure near t
A. are as good as those in the U.S.
B. have been seen on many government-controlled networks
C. are as gray and dismal as the uninformed might unnecessarily visualize
D. are not as gloomy as the uninformed might unnecessarily visualize
[单项选择]Passage Four
                          Software Systems Specialist
Work Schedule: Full Time
Salary: $ 62,500- $ 92,000*
Location: Washington, DC metropolitan area
* Employees within the organization have opportunities for additional salary advancement to
the Expert level.

Software Systems Specialists are responsible for the planning, implementation and optimization of a wide variety of leading-edge systems software on Unix and Linux-based enterprise class servers used to meet critical intelligence needs. Team members are actively involved in the deploym
A. anytime around the year
B. in working hours of week days
C. at any place in the country
D. at certain places in the Agency


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