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发布时间:2024-02-02 20:44:36

[单项选择]Which is true of students’ pay over the past two years according to this article

A. As much as students should.
B. Less than students should.
C. No more than students’ share.
D. More than students should.

更多"Which is true of students’ pay over"的相关试题:

[填空题]Passage Two
Over the past two decades, the lives of American women have undergone unparalleled change. The Virginia Slims Opinion Poll has chronicled that change in national surveys conducted six times since 1970. (71)
One of the most striking findings of the 1990 Virginia Slims Opinion Poll is the degree of consensus—rather than conflict—in women’s and men’s attitudes about the changing roles of women. In many respects, the two sexes agree. Men express strong and consistent support for women’s improved status in society. (72) And they agree that the most tangible way in which they could help women balance jobs and family is to take on more household work.
But men are also a major cause of resentment and stress for American women. (73) Now, a generation of sweeping change later, women’s expectations have outpaced the change in men’s behavior. Token help with the dishes or the children no longer inspires women’s g
[单项选择]Over the past two decades gee—engineering began to include other ways of fixing climate-including new spins on the Pinatubo effect. Using sulfur dioxide(二氧化硫) or other materials, they aim to reflect sunlight back into outer space. One would boost a series of mirrors into orbit, shading Earth from sunlight, but at a cost that would likely bankrupt the planet. In the 1990s, the controversial inventor of the hydrogen bomb, Edward Teller, proposed floating reflective particles of metal in the atmosphere, adding a Dr. Strangelove air to the gee-engineering field.
Various kinds of materials are used in gee-engineering to
A. bankrupt the earth.
B. reflect sunlight back into space.
C. boost mirrors into orbit.
D. make hydrogen bombs.
[单项选择]Over the past two years, a firm reported higher operating cash flow as a result of securitizing its accounts receivable and from increasing income tax benefits from employee stock options. The tax benefits are solely the result of higher tax rates. Should an analyst conclude that these two sources of operating cash flow are sustainable( )
A. Both sources are sustainable.
B. Neither source is sustainable.
C. Only one of these sources is sustainable.
[单项选择]A. over past 50 years B. for more than four decades C. by more than 50 percent D. for home energy use E. as a raw material F. beneath the earth’s surface Natural gas is stored deep
[填空题]Over the last two decades,a new trend in American education has developed.
[填空题]Over the last two years, in the PC business Michael Dell has been beaten like a rented mule. His company continues to lose market (47) particularly in the U.S.
Industry analysts would say that Dell has done a poor job of bringing out (48) and attractive products. Apple Mac sales keep rising. HP, Sony, and Lenovo have (49) new product lines which have had warm (50) .
Dell’s core business is being hit by three things. The first is that the company was fairly late at (51) into retail outlets(零售店) overseas. It (52) on its direct sales model for too long. The second problem is that the recession has (53) Dell’s sales. Dell’s final problem is that it cannot find the right people to run the company. It (54) dumped most of the senior management that it hired just over a year ago. It takes time for new people to get up to speed.
Word has gotten out that Dell plans to launch it


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