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发布时间:2024-07-30 23:38:14




[单项选择]What will Maggie do next
A. Close the door.
B. Open the door.
C. Lock the door.
How long has Maggie stayed in bed
[单项选择]Passage Two   Maggie was very glad that James was not a frequent visitor to the house.So far as the children were concerned,they had a mystery about him that stirred their imagination.He stirred Maggie’s anger,however,So that she often said to her husband,“It’s mercy that brother of yours doesn’t come oftener.’’   In fact James came once a year,unexpectedly,around eight o’clock in the evening,and he stayed for six hours of close discussion with his brother.His arrival was a signal to the children that their bedtime would be delayed.Not that he ever spoke to them or played with them.He took no notice of them,as if he was unable to see children,at least until the time came for him to go.Instead,after his first greeting and a careless kiss, James took no notice of Maggie either, except to add, "You’ll be getting on with the supper, Maggie." Such was his regard for her.   Maggie paid him back in her own way. She kept the children up, the four of them, to keep her company, she said, b
A. loss
B. wonder
C. lucky thing
D. terrible thing
[单项选择]Maggie finally decided to go to see a film because______.
A. there was no park nearby.
B. the weather wasn’’t ideal for a walk.
C. it would be easier to go to a cinema.
D. Steve hadn’’t seen the film yet.

Maggie does not enjoy ______.
A. answering the telephone
B. typing invoices
C. preparing price lists
[填空题]Maggie has no doubt that her skirt is as pretty as, if not (pretty) ______ than, her younger sister’s.
[单项选择]When did I decide to find out about "Aunt Maggie"
a. Three years ago.
b. When my father died.
c. About 85 years after my correspondence with her.
d. When i was nineteen.
[单项选择] I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon. A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. It is not just a yard. It is like an extended living room. When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the edges lined with tiny, irregular grooves (凹槽), anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree (榆树) and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house. Maggie still be nervous until after her sister goes: she will stand hopelessly in corners, homely (长相一般的) and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eying her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that "no" is a word the world never learned to say to her. You’’ve no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has "made it" is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering (蹒跚) in weakly from backstage. (A pleasant surprise, of c
A. Dee is somewhat hypocritical (虚伪的).
B. Dee loves orchids very much.
C. Dee is a designer.
D. Dee is a tailor.


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