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发布时间:2023-10-23 13:44:47


According to the speaker, a seat belt and an upright seat provide less protection for car passengers.

更多"According to the speaker, a seat be"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle ( ).
A. reduces road accidents by more than half
B. saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour
C. reduces the death rate in traffic accident
D. saves more than 15,000 lives each year
[单项选择]Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it decreases the chance of death or serious injury by more than half.
A. 系上安全带可以挽救生命,可以使死亡或严重受伤的机率减少一半以上。
B. 系上安全带能保证安全,它会减少一半以上的死亡或严重受伤的机会。
C. 戴上安全带可以救助许多人的生命,自然也使你免于重伤或死亡。
D. 系安全带能拯救生命,死亡或严重受伤的可能性会少到一半。
[简答题]Wearing a seat belt saves lives;it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.
[填空题]Future cars will______(tight)your seat belt automatically in time of danger.
[填空题](fasten)()your seat-belt, please!
[单项选择]Why wasn’t the young lady wearing her seat-belt
A. She wasn’t able to make it fit her.
B. She wasn’t able to fasten it.
C. She was told not to fasten it.
D. It was unnecessary to wear the seat-belt.
Passage Three
According to the speaker,what are the most popular ESP courses in Britain
A. English for doctors.
B. English for lawyers.
C. English for reporters.
D. English for businessman.
[单项选择]According to the speaker, how did the introduction of television affect motion pictures
A. Movie attendence increased due to advertising on television.
B. Old motion pictures were often broadcast on television.
C. Television had no effect on movie attendance.
D. Motion picture popularity decline

According to the speaker, what is the relationship between radio and the newspaper industry
A. People who listen to the radio also buy newspapers.
B. Radio is a substitute for newspapers in the radio industry.
C. Newspapers discourage people from listening to the radio.
D. Many newspaper reporters also work in the radio industry.
Passage Three
According to the speaker,what does equality refer to for American people
A. Equal rights and equal freedom.
B. Equal worth and equal opportunity.
C. Equal opportunity and equal pay.
D. Equal worth and equal status.
[填空题]According to the speaker, when Phenomenon B becomes so well-known, its originator______ .
[填空题]According to the speaker, leisure is meaningfully opposite to______.
[单项选择]According to the speaker, what is prohibited
A. Taking pictures
B. Asking questions
C. Touching the merchandise
D. Touring the gallery
[单项选择]According to the speaker, which of the following is true about the canal boats
[填空题]According to the speaker, who should enjoy the right of Academic Freedom
[填空题]According to the speaker, what does a manager have to treat everyone of his staff as
[单项选择]According to the speaker,what happens when you turn and twist to get comfortable
A. Your heart rate is lowered.
B. It becomes harder to relax.
C. You become too tired to sleep.
[单项选择]According to the speaker, yoga should NOT be described as________.
A. a delicate art
B. a religion
C. an exact science
D. a way of life


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