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发布时间:2023-10-23 06:42:10

[填空题]Leonardo. Di Caprio, one of the world’s most famous (act) ______, became a superstar after his wonderful performance in the movie Titanic in 1997.

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[填空题]Leonardo Di Caprio, one of the world’s most famous (act) ______, became a superstar after his wonderful performance in the movie Titanic in 1997.
[填空题]Of the three translations which one is the most different from the original one _________________________.
[单项选择]One day in 1963, a dolphin named Elvar and a famous astronomer, Carl Sagan, were playing a little game. The astronomer was visiting an institute which was looking into the way dolphins communicate with each other. He was standing at the edge of one of the tanks where several of these highly intelligent, friendly creatures were kept. Elvar had just swum up alongside him and had turned on his back. He wanted Sagan to scratch his stomach again, as the astronomer had done twice before. But this time Elvar was too deep in the water for Sagan to reach him Elvar looked up at Sagan, waiting. Then, after a minute or so, the dolphin leapt up through the water into the air and made a sound just like the word "More!"
The astonished astronomer went to the director of the institute and told him about the incident. "Oh, yes. That’s one of the words he knows," the director said, showing no surprise at all.
Dolphins have bigger brains in proportion to their body size than humans have, and it
A. Sagan had turned his back
B. it was part of the game they were playing
C. he wanted Sagan to scratch him again
D. Sagan wanted him to do this
[单项选择]She eventually married the most persistent one of her admirers.( )
A. in a way
B. in due course
C. in the end
D. in any case
Passage One

One of the most interesting experiments in electronic communication I’ve ever seen is coming from Wave. It’s real-time e-mail. What that means is that as you’re typing a message in Wave, either a new message or a reply, the person you’re writing to can see what you’re typing as you type it. Sounds awful, right
You don’t have to use Wave in this real-time way. It also works as a standard e-mail. What’s really different about Wave is that if you’re replying to a message and the person you’re replying to happen to be online, they can jump into the conversation at that point, and change what is an e-mail conversation into an instant message conversation or a chat.
Wave right now is still closed to most users. And Wave isn’t yet connected to other communication systems, like regular e-mail, which means that the only people we can Wave with are other people on Wave as well. So we don’t yet know what using Wave will be like
A. It makes people see each other online.
B. It enables people to send real-time e-mails.
C. It allows you to send more e-mails at the same time.
D. It can be easily connected to other communication systems.
Biologically, there is only one quality which distinguishes us from animals: the ability to laugh. In a universe which appears to be utterly devoid of humor, we enjoy this supreme luxury. And it is a luxury, for unlike any other bodily process, laughter does not seem serve a biologically useful purpose. In a divided world, a laughter is a unifying force. Human begins oppose each other on a great many issues. Nations may disagree about systems of government and human relations may be plagued by ideological factions and political camps, but we all share the ability to laugh. And laughter, in turn, depends on the most complex and subtle of all-human qualities: a sense of humor. Certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal. This can best be seen from the world-wide popularity of Charlie Chaplain’s early films. The little man at odds with society never fails
A. criticize the hypocrisy of politicians.
B. readdress the popularity of Chaplin.
C. illustrate a universal appeal of humor.
D. ban satires in totalitarian regimes.


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