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发布时间:2023-10-22 11:38:02

[简答题]List any 4 most general types of bank loans and advances that banks provide to all economic sectors.

更多"List any 4 most general types of ba"的相关试题:

[判断题]General Cargo Rates are applicable to any types of commodity,without the restriction of hazardous consignment size.( )
[填空题]There has been much chatter about bank loans to local
governments’ financing vehicles, widely regarded as one of
the main risks face the Chinese economy. Set up by local (1)______
governments to borrow money for infrastructure
investments, these vehicles are rather like Western
companies’ special purpose entity vehicles. They have (2)______
played an important role in stimulating the Chinese
economy and helping it to recover from the global financial
crisis. But they face a problem, either: The bank loans they (3)______
have received have increased extraordinary. (4)______
Local governments at levels have set up their (5)______
investment companies, some of which are directly
controlled by the leaders responsible for fundraising for
their pet projects. These companies take a variety of forms
dependable on the industries and sectors they belong to. (6)______
[简答题]Topic: Should we stop bank loans to businesses which disregard environmental protection
Questions for Reference:
1. In some cities in China, local banks have stopped giving loans to those businesses which have caused pollution to the environment. Do you think the banks are doing the right thing or not
2. What should the local governments or banks do- to shut the businesses which pollute the environment, or help these businesses ’reduce the damage to the environment
3. Could you recommend some effective measures to tackle the problem

[填空题]The Bank of China has injected more loans into the power industry to ______ (提高电力生产水平).
[单项选择]Under U. S. GAAP, loans made to others are most likely classified in the cash flow statement as:()
A. an investing activity.
B. a financing activity.
C. an operating activity.
[单项选择]The most crucial problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce resources( ).
A. puzzling
B. difficult
C. terrifying
D. urgent
[填空题] Am I Making Any Money 0 Most people and most businesses are in business to make a profit. At the CORRECT 00 simplest level, profit means making more money than you spend on. Many ON 34 confuse profit with income. As a result, they can’’t grasp it why all their income 35 isn’’t getting them ahead} why no one wants to invest in their high-sales 36 company; why the bank won’’t extend to their line of credit. Most people are very 37 good at tracking their income. When someone pays for you, that is income. 38 Income is usually related to production levels, but is not tied to it directly. You 39 may produce more or less than you sell. For instance, if you have already 100 40 widgets in the warehouse when you receive an order for 150, you only have to 41 produce out 50 additional widgets. If you make widgets for skis, you may make 42 20 widgets every month during the summer even though you don’’t sell any, just 43 so that you


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