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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:03:08

[简答题]On the one hand her temper was likely to cause trouble;________________(另一方面) we needed her expertise.

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[简答题]On the one hand her temper was likely to cause trouble;________________(另一方面) we needed her expertise.
[填空题]When should she hand in her MA paper At the end of ______.
[单项选择]A) She had bought a second-hand one. C) A more expensive one.
B) The same kind as the man’s. D) One that is not as good as the man’s.

[单项选择]Helen was 7 years old. One day one of her teeth began to hurt. She (16) in class at school, and her teacher (17) kindly, "What’s the matter, Helen"
"One of my teeth hurts." answered Helen.
"Tell your mother about (18) ," said the teacher, "and then go to see the dentist (牙医)."
That afternoon Helen’s mother (19) her to the dentist’s. The dentist looked at the (20) which hurt and then said to Helen, "It’s very (21) . I’m going to pull it (22) , and then you’re going to get a new tooth. It will be as nice as (23) next year." Then he did it with no trouble.
The next day Helen’s teacher asked her about the tooth, "Does it (24) hurt, Helen"
"I don’t know. You’d better ask the dentist," Helen said.
"Why" the teacher asked.
"Because the dentist has (25) it." Helen answered.

A. cried
B. shouted
C. laughed
[多项选择]Section C

One called her boss a "bitch from hell" while another admitted "lying through his teeth" at interview. Both the British job (36) were—not surprisingly—turned down after (37) employers discovered their candid (38) on a public Web site. The London recruitment firm which revealed the cases warned that employers were (39) scouring the Internet to check what candidates are really like behind the rosy image they (40) to project in CVs and inter views. "One media sales (41) aged 24 had a job offer (42) after a quick check on www.friendsreunited.co.uk revealed that the applicant only planned to stay in London for a few months before (43) on a world tour," London’s Media Contacts said. (44) "Another candidate, an account manager for a well-known PR agency, was forced to resign when she described her boss as a ’bitch from hell’ and her employer as ’a bunch of
[填空题]No one matches her (enthusiastically)()for pop music.
[填空题]One called her boss a "bitch from hell" while another admitted "lying through his teeth" at interview. Both the British job (36) were—not surprisingly—turned down after (37) employers discovered their candid (38) on a public Web site. The London recruitment firm which revealed the cases warned that employers were (39) scouring the Internet to check what candidates are really like behind the rosy image they (40) to project in CVs and inter views. "One media sales (41) aged 24 had a job offer (42) after a quick check on www.friendsreunited.co.uk revealed that the applicant only planned to stay in London for a few months before (43) on a world tour," London’s Media Contacts said. (44) "Another candidate, an account manager for a well-known PR agency, was forced to resign when she described her boss as a ’bitch from hell’ and her employer as ’a bunch of cowboys’," Media Contacts said. (45


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