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发布时间:2024-05-21 06:02:46

[简答题]For this part, you are required to write an essay on the issue of employment for graduates. You should write about 120 words making reference to the following points: 1. a serious situation that the college graduates are facing 2. the imbalance between the supply and demand in the east and the west in China 3. your opinion

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[多项选择]For this part you are required to write an essay of about 120 words on" Advertisements". You can refer to the following points:
(1) The function of advertisements;
(2) The forms of advertisements you can usually see;
(3) Some advertisements are not good;
[简答题]For this part, you are required to write an essay entitled Distance Education. You should write about 120 words making reference to the following points: 1. Distance education develops quickly in China. 2. Distance education strengthens the links between the developed areas and the poor areas; schools at home and abroad. 3. There is still much to be done to meet the needs of people.

You are required to write an essay off the topic "Stress in Modem Life".
You should write no less than 200 words neatly on ANSER SHEET 2, and base your essay on the OUTLINE given in Chinese below:
1) 压力在现实生活中无处不在。
2) 不同的人对压力有不同的看法。
3) 我的看法。

[简答题]You are required to write an essay on the topic Which Mode of Travel Do You Like You should write no less than 200 words and base your essay on the outline and table below: (10 points)
1. There are two modes of travel.
2. Compare two modes of travel in terms of
1) the attraction of package travel (旅行社旅游)
2) the attraction of traveling on one’s own (独立旅游)
3) the disadvantage of both
3. Your preference.
[简答题]For this pan, you are required to write an essay approximately 120 words about advertisements. You are advised to arrange your idea in three paragraphs with key words given. The following are the words you must use in your essay. Key words: advertisement, advertise, consumer, manufacturer, salesperson, product, failure, newspaper, TV, radio, agency, service, misrepresent, exaggerate, benefit, victim, satisfactory.
[简答题]Directions: In this part you are required to write a report on market development, including:   1)figures of last year’s sales   2)your plan to develop market You can refer to the following figures and write about 100-word report. Mid-Year Sales Review 1. Total sales(pairs of sports shoes) Jan.—June 2001: 160700 Jan.—June2002: 175484 +9.2% 2. Sales by product line(pairs) Jan.—June 2001 Jan.—June2002: Running shoes 126953 141044 +11.1% Tennis shoes 33747 34440 +2.1%
[简答题]For this part, you are requested to write an essay on the topic Computer Networks in three paragraphs. The first sentence of each paragraph has been given below: (1)Computer networks have enabled us to do a number of things more easily and quickly. (2)However, if not properly dealt with, Internet would bring problems too. (3)Therefore, the safety of networks has increasingly become a public concern. You should write about 120 words, not including the words given.
[多项选择]For this part, you are to write an essay on the topic Computer Network in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph. Your part of the composition should be about 120 words, not including the words given. You should write this composition on the Composition Sheet.
Computer Network
1) Computer networks have enabled us to do a number of things more easily and quickly.
2) However, if not properly dealt with, Internet would bring problems too.
3) Therefore, the safety of networks has increasingly become a public concern.
In this part, you are asked to write an essay or a letter according to the outline given. Your composition should be about 150 words. Remember to write clearly and logically. After writing, please check your composition in terms of the following writing basics: unity, support, coherence, and error free sentences.
The Generation Gap


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