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发布时间:2023-12-03 23:51:13

[填空题]Eye signals shown by conversational partners vary with what they are talking about and ______.

更多"Eye signals shown by conversational"的相关试题:

[填空题]Eye signals shown by conversational partners vary with what they are talking about and ______.

[填空题]Gestures (47) signals, and these signals must come across clearly if we are to understand their messages. They cannot afford to be (48) ; they must be sharp and difficult to confuse with other signals. To do this they have to develop a "typical form" that shows comparatively little (49) . And they must be performed with a "typical . (50) ", showing much the same speed, strength and scope on each occasion that they are brought into action.
It is rather like the ringing of a telephone bell. The signal goes on sounding at fixed (51) at a fixed volume and with a fixed sound, no matter how urgent the call. No one confuses a telephone bell with a front door bell or an alarm clock. Its fixed form and its fixed intensity make it unmistakable.
The process is at work in human gestures. When an angry man shakes his fist, the chances are that the speed, force and scope of each shake, as the fist jerks back and forth in mid-air are
[填空题]Eye behavior, involving varieties of eye-contact, can give subtle
messages which people pick up in their daily life. Warm looks or cold
stares tell more than words can. Meeting or failing to meet another
person’s eye produce a particular effect. When two Americans look 62. ______.
searchingly at each other’s eye, emotions are heightened and the 63. ______.
relationship becomes closer. However, Americans are careful about where 64. ______.
and when to meet other’s eye. In our normal conversation, each eye
contact lasts only a few seconds before one or both individuals look away,
because the longer meeting of the eyes is rare, and after it happens, can 65. ______.
generate a special kind of human-to-human awareness. For instance, by
simply using his eyes. a man can make a woman aware of him comfortably
or uncomfortably; a long and steady gaze from a policeman or judge


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