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发布时间:2023-11-15 21:59:15

[填空题]This passage talks about the advantages of public transport over private cars in large cities.

更多"This passage talks about the advant"的相关试题:

[填空题]This passage talks about the advantages of public transport over private cars in large cities.

[填空题]The passage mainly talks about a party the author attended in America.

[填空题]What does the passage talk about It talks about the changes in ______.
[填空题]This passage talks about the Japanese work market.
[填空题]This passage talks about a variety of meetings.
[填空题]The passage talks about the paradox of our times.
[填空题]The passage talks mainly about the studying of a live giant squid by American scientists.


Passage 2

In about two years, NASA astronauts will go into space with personal assistants. Robotic assistants, of course. About the size of softballs, these personal satellite assistants (PSAs) can float throughout the space shuttle or space station, automatically monitoring life support systems, snapping photos, and taking over monitoring tasks from failed sensors. They're equipped with collision avoidance system so they won't bump into anything Naturally, they're wireless. Thanks to their videoconferencing capabilities, the PSAs offer a virtual presence for ground crews and scientists, letting them advise astronauts--in real time --in the midst of their experiments. The PSAs. will be stowed until the spacecraft reaches orbit (天体运行的轨道). And then activated by the astronauts, ground crews, or even by the spacecraft itsel
A. With the help of PSAs, NASA astronauts can deal with many affairs in the space shuttle or space station more easily.
B. PSAs are mechanical devices which can float all over the space station without any collision.
C. PSAs works only under the voice or radio commands of astronauts.
D. PSAs can track inventories if "smart" identification tags are added to inventory items.
[单项选择]Passage Five Concern about individual privacy on the Internet has been rising. E-commerce continues to grow, but many online shoppers are concerned about how their personal information is being or might be used. According to a Harris poll, many people do not shop online because of this concern, and of those who do shop online, 41% say they are very concerned about how a company uses their personal information. Now a clear majority of Americans - 57% - favor some sort of laws regulating how personal information is collected and used. Just as people are angry at intrusions into their physical space, they now want to protect the privacy of their virtual space. For most companies, the Web can be a vast source of information about customers. Each buying that a user conducts on a Web site, from a single click to an actual online purchase, can be stored and analyzed. A company can learn about visitors to its Web site through “cookies”, which are small data files that the site create
A. may indicate his economic status
B. may make it harder for him to get insurance
C. may suggest his brand preference
D. may reveal the web sites he often visits


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