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发布时间:2023-11-21 22:17:51

[单项选择]Passage 3   Bill Grant was a famous newspaper editor (编辑) in the United States. He worked for the same newspaper from 1926 to 1968. He started as a clerk but by 1948 he had become the editor. That was the position he held until he retired.   Bill wrote his first story for the paper the day the New York Stock (股票) Market crashed in 1929. Two of the paper’s reporters were thirty miles from town checking on an airplane crash. The other one was in San Francisco investigating Chinatown.   When the first news of the stock market came into the office Bill immediately sat down and wrote up the story. The editor liked it so much that he used the story. And he didn’t make any changes in it. After that the editor decided Bill should be a reporter. He felt he was not using his real ability working as a clerk.   After this first story Bill became especially interested in financial news. But he wrote stories on just about everything. In 1945 he spent five months in Europe. His editor
A. was a newspaper editor from 1926 to 1968
B. wrote his first story about the New York Stock Market crash in 1929 and soon after that he became the editor of the newspaper
C. had a heart attack in 1957 and recovered fully later on
D. wrote stories on nothing but financial matters

更多"Passage 3   Bill Grant was a fa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage 3   Bill Grant was a famous newspaper editor (编辑) in the United States. He worked for the same newspaper from 1926 to 1968. He started as a clerk but by 1948 he had become the editor. That was the position he held until he retired.   Bill wrote his first story for the paper the day the New York Stock (股票) Market crashed in 1929. Two of the paper’s reporters were thirty miles from town checking on an airplane crash. The other one was in San Francisco investigating Chinatown.   When the first news of the stock market came into the office Bill immediately sat down and wrote up the story. The editor liked it so much that he used the story. And he didn’t make any changes in it. After that the editor decided Bill should be a reporter. He felt he was not using his real ability working as a clerk.   After this first story Bill became especially interested in financial news. But he wrote stories on just about everything. In 1945 he spent five months in Europe. His editor
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. more than four
[填空题]The passage emphasizes that Bill Gates’ success is not only due to his talent but also due to the fact that he is a genius for designing computer software.

Passage One

Bill Clinton wrestles with the complexities of his economic plan, a surprising trend that could ultimately make life a lot easier for the new president may be developing. A handful of analysts believe that technology is beginning to help improve productivity in the service sector, If they are right, middle-class living standards which have stagnated for the past 20 years could start to improve.
The service sector gets little attention in most popular discussions of America’s economic problems. Manufacturing, where US workers go head-to-head with foreign competitors, is supposed to be the crucial area; services, which are mostly sheltered from international competition, are regarded as secondary at best. If anything, the growth of the service sector is seen as a symptom of our manufacturing decline, as steelworkers lose their high-paying jobs and become minimum-wage hamburger flippers. But serious ana
A. turn out a great help to President Clinton with his policy making
B. turn out a serious trouble to President Clinton with his policy making
C. have nothing to do with Clinton’s decision making
D. initiate Clinton to make some reform policies in economy

Passage 1
Bill Winner, a sales manager with 10 years in the medical industry, wants to shift his career into the information technology (IT) field. Many friends of his, with much less sales experience, are making double his salary plus stock options in technical industries. Since William knows the impact Internet technology will have in the 21st century, he wants a job involving e-commerce. Many people face William’s dilemma: they want to participate in the booming technology markets, but they arch’ t sure whether--or how--to make the leap from their industry. (66)
Understand the industry. Become well versed in the publications that are popular to those in the Internet/technology field. Fast Company, Business 2.0, and The Industry Standard are just a few of the media read by e-commerce business people. Gain an understanding of key business issues and common problems within the industry. (67) For example, when Int
[单项选择]Passage 4 Acceptance of a bill of exchange is an unconditional undertaking to pay the bill on maturity. The drawee should not, therefore, when accepting the bill, impose any conditions on payment. Acceptances citing for instance:(a) lesser amount (b) payable at a different date are referred to as “unqualified acceptances” and would not be acceptable to the remitting bank. The bill may be accepted payable at a place other than the acceptor’s address, normally at his bank, viz. “accepted payable at Barclays Bank plc…” This practice should be encouraged as the procedure for obtaining payment at maturity is greatly simplified; the bill needs only to be presented at the bank counters for payment. The presenting bank is responsible for seeing that the form of the acceptance of a bill of exchange appears to be complete and correct, but is not responsible for the genuieness of any signature or for the authority of any signatory to sign the acceptance. However, when the drawee is a custome
A. unaccepted
B. dishonored
C. honored
D. accepted


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