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发布时间:2024-05-05 03:29:16


M: Er, excuse me, Professor Muse.
W: Oh, yes, Arnold, come in.
M: You asked to see me after class.
W: Yes, I did, Arnold. I just wanted to have a few words with you about your performance in class lately. Your last three test scores have been very disappointing.
M: I know I’ve let you down. I have been studying much harder this semester.
W: Well, I’m glad you’ve realized it, Arnold, because if you don’t improve, you will not be able to get a B or above for the final exam.

Where are the two speakers( ).
A. In a classroom.
B. in an office.
C. At home.

更多"M: Er, excuse me, Professor Muse. "的相关试题:


M: Er, excuse me, Professor Muse.
W: Oh, yes, Arnold, come in.
M: You asked to see me after class.
W: Yes, I did, Arnold. I just wanted to have a few words with you about your performance in class lately. Your last three test scores have been very disappointing.
M: I know I’ve let you down. I have been studying much harder this semester.
W: Well, I’m glad you’ve realized it, Arnold, because if you don’t improve, you will not be able to get a B or above for the final exam.

What does the woman tell the man about( ).
A. His scores in recent tests.
B. The difficulties he has with his studies.
C. His poor academic performance.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Excuse me, Professor Smith, can you spare me a few minutes There’ s something I’d like to speak to you about. I won’ t keep you long.
Speaker B:()
A. Of course not. Haven’ t you seen have been pretty busy now
B. Well, I’m afraid we have to find some other time. I’ m fully occupied now.
C. No. I’ll have an important meeting to attend this evening.
D. Not possible, as I don’t know how long you will keep m

W: Could you tell me how many of your employees are women
M: Yes, certainly. We have a very high percentage of female staff. We employ about 100 people, and eighty percent of them are women.

How many of the employees in this organization are men( ).
A. 80.
B. 20.
C. 40.
D. 60.

M: Hello.
W: Hello, dad
M: Yes... Mary! How are you Anything wrong
W: Oh, no. I just wanted to call and see how you and Mom are. It’s been quite a while since I saw you last time.
M: Oh, we’re both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center shopping.
W: For a new dress
M: No, for shoes this time, I think. How’s David
W: He’s fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr Smith. We are all pretty pleased about that.
M: Yes, I think you should be. And how are the children
W: Well, George’s home from school today. It’s nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it’s his birthday, too!
M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.
W: No. April 24th.
M: Well, that’s too bad. Tell him we’ll send him a present.
W: All right. Diana’s still taking dancing lessons.
M: She must be pretty good by now. Ho
A. Because something’s gone wrong with her children.
B. Because something’s gone wrong with herself.
C. Because she wanted to tell her parents that everything is fine with her family.
D. Because she wanted to know if everything is fine with her parents.


M: Is this your umbrella, Miss
W: Oh yes, it is. Thank you. I was looking for it just now.
M: You look a bit familiar to me. I wonder if I have seen you somewhere before.
W: Have you
M: May I ask where you live
W: Just two blocks away, in that tall building.
M: That’s it. I live there, too. I live on the sixth floor.
W: My family moved in just two weeks ago. We live on the fourth floor.
M: It’s a small world! May I know your name, Miss
W: I’m Chen Ying.
M: How do you do. Miss Chen I’m Song Wei.
W: I’m glad to know you, Mr. Song.
M: Are you going to your office now, Miss Chen
W: No. I’m going to do some shopping for the weekend. What a bout you
M: I’m going to the airport to meet some friends from Beijing.
W: See you later, Mr. Song.
M: Have a good day, Miss Chen.
W: You too.

What is the probable rela
A. Old schoolmates.
B. Neighbors.
C. Old friends.

W: Excuse me...
M: Yes
W: Could you tell me how far it is to the National Arts Center
M: Yes. It’s only a ten-minute walk from here.
W: How can I get there I’m a stranger here, you see.
M: Well, you walk down this street two blocks to the traffic lights.
W: Two blocks to the traffic lights. And then
M: Then turn left and you’ll be on Queen Street. There’s a big hotel on the corner and the National Arts Center is right there. You can’t miss it.
W: Turn left at Queen Street and look for the Center beside the big hotel.
M: Right.
W: Thank you very much for your help. By the way, could you tell me where I can get a cup of coffee
M: Er... you can get a coffee in the National Arts Center.
W: Many thanks.
M: You’re welcome.

What place is the woman looking for( ).
A. The National Arts Center.
B. Queen Street.
C. A big hotel.


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