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发布时间:2024-08-01 05:35:37


The Hope Project aims to bring hope to people struggling with a disability and to their families. The Hope Project was designed to reach, inform, assist and motivate(激发,驱使) parents to ensure that their disabled children get appropriate help and get it as early as possible, thereby(因此) giving them a much greater chance of taking their rightful place and playing their part in society. We also aim to inform government and society about the needs of the disabled and their families whom we serve.
Since the Hope Project started, our most important work has been to talk to and keep .in touch with parents and with persons with a special need, many in deep distress (穷困) through the Hope Project Help line. We try to offer a wide range of supports (advice, mediation, advocacy, networking, professional placement, etc. ) and the fruits of our research into issues of health, education, benefits and care. We are national and are contacted from all over Ireland and internationally.

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The Hope Project aims to bring hope to people struggling with a disability and to their families. The Hope Project was designed to reach, inform, assist and motivate(激发,驱使) parents to ensure that their disabled children get appropriate help and get it as early as possible, thereby(因此) giving them a much greater chance of taking their rightful place and playing their part in society. We also aim to inform government and society about the needs of the disabled and their families whom we serve.
Since the Hope Project started, our most important work has been to talk to and keep .in touch with parents and with persons with a special need, many in deep distress (穷困) through the Hope Project Help line. We try to offer a wide range of supports (advice, mediation, advocacy, networking, professional placement, etc. ) and the fruits of our research into issues of health, education, benefits and care. We are national and are contacted from all over Ireland and internationally.

[填空题]We hope to bring together all the parties (direct)()involved in the conflict.
[简答题]Through the project, many people have received training and ()(决定自己创业).
[单项选择]None of the people on your 15 person project team have worked together before, and it really shows. The team cannot seem to get past the storming stage: each meeting is characterized by disagreements, debates, and long-winded expositions some of the more verbose members of the group. Everyone seems to speak a different “language” even though they are all from the same country. Conflicts are rampant. You need to get this situation under control quickly. Therefore, the first action you should take is to______.
A. hold periodic group meetings
B. use a group facilitator at the next meeting
C. perform careful project planning
D. enforce strict rules about meeting behavior
[单项选择].The male cicada sound is made by specialized structures on the abdomen and which apparently serves to attract females.
[填空题]The industrial revolution (modify)()the whole structure of English society.
struct person
char name[9];int age;
struct person class[10]= "John",17,
能输出字母M的是 ( )
A. printf("%c/n",class[3].name);
B. printf("%c/n",class[3].name[1]);
C. printf("%c/n",class[2].name[1]);
D. printf("%c/n",class[2].name[0]);
[简答题] bring own brushes
[填空题]以下程序运行后的输出结果是 【17】
struct NODE
int k;
struct NODE*link;
main( )
struct NODE m[5],*p=m,*q=m+4;
int i=0;


[填空题]以下程序运行后的输出结果 【17】 。 struct NODE {int k; struct NODE *link; }; main( ) {structNODEm[5],*p=m,*q=m+4; int i=0; while(p!=q){ p->k=++i;p++; q->k=i++;q-; } q->k=i; for(i=0;i<5;i++)printf("%d",m[i].k); printf("/n"); }
struct STRU int a,b;charc:double d;
struct STRU*p1,*p2;
请填空,以完成对t数组的定义,t数组的每个元素为该结构体类型。 t[20]


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