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发布时间:2024-07-31 07:27:22

[填空题]The event increased public (aware) ______ of the environmental protection.

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[填空题]The event increased public (aware) ______ of the environmental protection.
[单项选择]In recent years, there has been an increased awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. The three Rs to keep in mind for a cleaner environment are: reduce, reuse, and recycle.
First, reduce how much you use. It means shopping with the environment in mind. Consider the environmental impact of each product before you buy it. Make a list of what you need before you go shopping; this will reduce impulse buying. Buy in bulk - its cheaper and eliminates small containers and excess packaging. Besides, bulk merchandise may be shared with friends or neighbors. You should also avoid buying things that can’t by recycled.
A shopping list can help
A. find cheaper items.
B. reduce impulsive buying.
C. eliminate small containers.
D. avoid excess packagin
[单项选择]The public is well aware that high blood cholesterol levels raise the risk of stroke caused by blood clots. But a recent report concludes that people with low blood cholesterol levels are at increased risk of the other lethal type of stroke-cerebral hemorrhage, caused when a brain artery bursts. The report suggests that because blood cholesterol plays a vital role in maintaining cell membranes, low blood cholesterol weakens artery walls, making them prone to rupture. The conclusion thus supports a long-standing contention by Japanese researchers that Western diets better protect against cerebral hemorrhage than do non-Western diets.
The argument is based on which one of the following assumptions
A. Western diets are healthier than non-Western diets.
B. Western diets result in higher blood cholesterol levels than do non-Western diets.
C. High blood cholesterol levels preclude the weakening of artery walls.
D. Cerebral hemorrhages are more dangerous than strokes caused by blood clots.
E. (E) People who have low blood pressure are at increased risk of cerebral hemorrhage.
[简答题] -现在在你的国家有哪几种类的PUBLIC EVENT   -那种是人们在日常生活中最参与和举行的   -你居住的城市会拥挤吗 COWRED   -过度拥挤带来什么问题   -怎么解决这些问题
[填空题]This passage aims to make the public aware of ______.

[填空题]Having made this event known to the public, the reporter __________(已经从妇演员的窘境中捞到了好处).

[单项选择]The plan to allow the reading public to rent e-books, much as they rent movies, has proved so much more contentious than its pioneer, the former Waterstones managing director Tim Coates, had hoped. That publishers are very cautious of the idea of his new Bilbary e-rental venture, which launched this week, is perhaps not entirely surprising: although the e-rentals automatically delete themselves when the borrowing time expires, they fear the scheme might harm sales. Less controversial, however, is Mr Coates’ generous pledge to donate a good chunk of Bilbary’s profits to campaigns to keep open libraries threatened by government budget cuts. Hundreds of the nation’s 4,000 public libraries are at risk; and campaigners’ attempts to persuade courts and councils to keep them open are largely failing. Closing libraries is inevitable, the argument goes, in an era when two out of three British homes have a computer. But that is far from the whole story. While 200 million boo
A. the fall of sale of books
B. the advent of digital technologies
C. the government budget cut
D. the world economic recession
[单项选择]In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the ______ in personality.
A. contact
B. contrast
C. connection
D. conflict
import iava.awt.*;
public class E11_4

public static void main(String args[])

Frame f=new Frame("BorderLayout");
f.add("North",new Button("North"));
f.add("East",new Button("East"));
f.add("West",new Button("West"));
f.pack( );

请将程序画线处填入正确的语句 【11】 ,使得程序能够正确运行。
import java.awt.*;
public class E11-4

public static void main(String args[])

Frame f=new Frame("BorderLayout");
f.add("North",new Button("North"));
f.add("East",new Button("East");
f.add("West",new Button ("West"));
f.add ("South", tf);
f. pack ( );
f. setVisible (true);

请将程序画线处填入正确的语句 【11】 ,使得程序能够正确运行。


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