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发布时间:2024-07-31 05:07:39


Directions: The following is memo. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it(No. 46 through No. 50). You should write your answers briefly(in no more than 3 words).

To: All employees of the Personnel Department
From: Cloye, secretary of the Personnel Department
Subject: Farewell Party for Miss Banbe
Date: Nov. 12, 2009
Our colleague Miss Banbe is going to go abroad next month. His leaving is really a pity to us all as she is such an amiable woman who is always ready to help others, such an honest woman who has won trust and respect from around her, and such a humorous woman who can often add pleasure to our work. We have decided to hold a farewell party for her.
We are going to use the assembly room of our department for the party. I have organized several programs fo

更多"Directions: The following is memo. "的相关试题:


Task 3
Directions: After reading the following introduction to the bank, you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.
The funny thing about how a bank works is that it functions because of our trust. We give a bank our money to keep it safe for us, and then the bank turns around and gives it to someone else in order to make money for itself. Banks can legally extend considerably more credit than they have cash. Still, most of us have total trust in the bank’s ability to protect our money and give it to us when we ask for it.
Why do we feel better about having our money in a bank than we do having it under a mattress(床垫) Is it just the fact that they pay interest on some of our accounts.’ Is it because we know that if we have the cash in our pockets we’ll spend it Or, is it simply the conven


Directions: The following is memo. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it(No. 46 through No. 50). You should write your answers briefly(in no more than 3 words).

To: All employees of the Personnel Department
From: Cloye, secretary of the Personnel Department
Subject: Farewell Party for Miss Banbe
Date: Nov. 12, 2009
Our colleague Miss Banbe is going to go abroad next month. His leaving is really a pity to us all as she is such an amiable woman who is always ready to help others, such an honest woman who has won trust and respect from around her, and such a humorous woman who can often add pleasure to our work. We have decided to hold a farewell party for her.
We are going to use the assembly room of our department for the party. I have organized several programs fo

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A ), B), C) and D ). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Google, the Internet search-engine company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives.
Aleem Walji works for Google. org—the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, Google. org will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats.<
A. help poor people
B. develop new technology
C. expand its own business
D. increase the power of information

[单项选择]Task 1   Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40.For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D).You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.   College is a place to explore many possibilities;you really can’t do it all-unless you manage your time wisely.Here are some tips I have found very helpful for managing my time and maximizing my study efforts:   1.Determine your goals.What do you want to get out of a college education Academic(学术的) knowledge Leadership experience within a club Decide what is most important to you.Then devote proportionate(成比例的) amounts of time to those efforts.   2.Plan aheaD)You may think you Call keep everything in your head, but as the activities on your schedule start piling up, making a schedule can really help organize even little tasks.   3.Study at strategic(
A. Remembering our urgent tasks.
B. Any activities we’re eager to do.
C. Taking a break in the afternoon.
D. The promise to study efficiently.


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